Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The Inbetween

Boy have i slacked off or what, i still haven't finished my NewYork Update. HOY. I've probably completely forgotten everythingby now.... lets see how much else i can remember....HOHOH i just had the greatest idea, i can look at all my pictures and use them as a date reference 2 what i did that was interesting!!! BRILLIANT IDEA, mwa hahahaha....
*Monday February 20th. We went to the Museum of Modern Art and i'll have 2 say that i was probably a little dissapointed w/ this one because i was expecting the MoMa to be extravagant. (the way i felt about the Met) But it was pretty okay i think. We went 2 eat at our first of three Japanese restaurants this day for lunch. It was pretty good i think. Oh except that when we got there we got this table w/ a couch at the head, and the girls were (funny cuz i dont refer 2 myself as a girl) but they were fighting over who got 2 sit on the couch, UNTIL this thumbnail sized bug crawled out and onto the armrest. Everybody simultaneously got up and moved away from the bug. Um..., we all ordered bento's and i added on a spicy tuna (i have made it a new thing of mine to try out the spicy tuna in every japanese restaurant i go to....assuming they have one) Hahaha. Well after the MoMa i think we walked around Times Square....again. hahah and Sephora probably. I think somewhere along these few days i bought some clothes and random stuff and H&M, and the Billabong store in times square. sigh, i heart you new york, really i do.
*Tuesday February 21st. We went to the Graffiti/Mural tour in Brooklyn, which i was really looking forward too because i thought it was a walking tour and we'd get 2 see all sorts of graffiti. However it was a bus ride tour and i fell asleep through a good 1/2 of it. I loved all of the graffiti work we saw but i thought the murals weren't that interesting. Aaaaanywhoo, after the tour we went and walked around SOHO for a bit i think and went 2 the Strand Bookstore were i bought some fashion/design books and a addams family book for jess which i woldn't have mind keeping for myself but, oooh well. After that we went and walked around SOHO for a bit and i dont remember what stores we went 2 but...yeah...we did that. Hahah. I dont remember what we ate for dinner that night so it was probably some cafe food.
*Wednesday February 22nd. This was the last day that we ever saw Dick and co. till departure day. Hahah, i feel kinda bad but...aaah what can you do. We went 2 some small random galleries in SOHO again and i seen a pair of the cutest little dogs ever in a gallery. (weird cuz i usually dotn like small dogs) But anyways, we split up during lunch and walked SOHO somemore. I dont exactly remember what we did but....yeah spent some money probably. Hoh (picture reference) we followed henry around some and went 2 the Brooklyn Bridge, which i'll have 2 say after looking at my pictures, is really pretty. We walked around Brooklyn that day i think, and in the evening we went 2 visit Ground Zero. I got shivers up my spine when i stood at the Terminal spot and just looked over the site....We then traveresed 2 the World Finance Center where we spent pretty much an hour taking pictures of a ball of light. we're so childish. hahah. Wow we did alot of stuff on Wednesday. hahah. For dinner we went to NINJA NEW YORK. And for any readers out there who ever visit new york i highly recommend you go there w/ loads of money. That Japanese restaurant is AWESOME. First of all. when we the elevator dropped us off a ninja jumped out and greeted us. He then lead us through this cave to our tatami room. PS: did i mention ninja's served us? Hahah the food was excellent and well worth the 471USD bill. (including a mandatory 20%-73$ tip) Well, actually i paid a lot more for my food because i certainly didn't eat that much nor did i drink any of the 64$ bottle of sake that everyone ordered... boo urns but seriously the food was eggsalent. especially dessert, but everyone knows i love dessert. hahah. SIGH i love that restaurant, everyone is so friendly and it is the only place were *you will see a spanish ninja* haha the manager was super friendly and he showed us magic tricks, which i love. siiiigh. We all got free shuriken keychains and i stole all the coasters. hahaha. sigh. maybe i should open up a ninja edmonton! HOHOHO. naaaw, i dont think i'd be able 2 find servers that friendly. hahaha. Oh, i remeber that day we took a cab home and cathy screamed because she thought our taxi driver was going 2 hit a pedstrian. Everybody yelled at her and said *CATHY, if the cab driver hits anyone its because YOU made him*. aaah it was quite funny....not 2 mention that henry got severly drunk that night.

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