Tuesday, March 21, 2006

if i were a guy, i'd be pretty good lookin'

yo, haha serious about the title there. cathy sent me some of the pics she took from NY and theres this one pic where i seriously look like her ex. I set it as my display pic and she said so too. siigh.
Oh right, so on saturday me T and Cathy went 2 the mad hatter's ball. We got there, and this lady dressed as the white rabbit (just like me) waved at us and said "Nice costume ladies!" (in a deep deep man's voice). whoo-ee. Hahah, so then the 3 of us sat down and i looked at the program and noticed who this party was put together by.... "The Pride Centre of Edmonton" (they're symbol thinging was a rainbow happy face....) WHOO-EE hahah so T just happened 2 bring me to a gay party. Hahah but it was pretty fun. There were drag queens there and drag Alice was HOT hoho seriously he had 'nice legs'. I'm super jealous....
Oyah, someone left me a comment on my blog today! Hoh, if i do remember correctly this is the first comment i've recieved that isn't A) from my friends, B) from myself, or C) from some guy trying 2 sell life insurance. Thanks dude, you've made my day. I visited his blog page 2 check out his stuff and i laughed hard at this one entry he made about teaching grade 3/4 gym class and the need of wearing 'protection' against flailing limbs (especially considering the heights of these kids) Mwa-haa. i laughed at this too: "I once saw a blind man trip over his seeing-eye-dog and I laughed so hard I almost puked. And it wasn't like I was a child - I was probably in my early 20s. Here I come, Satan!" (Making a comment about evil things hes done) It's okay spoonman, i once knocked over an entire display of wooden jewelry boxes at a discount store. aaaaah.
I got my visa (rather found should be the correct word) today. $1300 all in 7 days. pretty sad ey? hahah i'd be so broke if i ever lived in NY. To top things off, after i payed for my statement, I came home from work and went shopping on the net. So sad. i really really want these 2 perfumes. The first one is ralph laurens....well...'ralph' spray. I smelt it somewhere before few years ago and i thought it was really pretty and everytime i smell it again i still thing its really pretty....sigh why didn't i buy you in NY?? The second perfume i want is 'memoirs of a geisha' by fresh. I actually have forgotten how it smells like but when i smelt it in NY it was really nice too. i'm dying 2 smell it again because i remembered it smelled pretty....sigh why didn't i buy you in NY?? haaaarg. aaaanyways, i'm gong 2 bed now. LOOK its only 12AM!! maybe if i hop in bed right now i'll fall asleep before 4!!

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