Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Fare thee well!

I just realized how un-appetizingly long the previous post was so i cut down it in half and pasted the other half in a new post. It doens't seem that menacing now does it? hahah. Enjoy.
*Thursday February 23rd. We were supposed 2 go the the statue of liberty this day but all the tickets 2 the statue were sold out. So corinna the great called and reserved some tix for the next day. (i was/and still am kinda/ worried because they took so much of my information) Anyhoo, we went and walked around the Time Warner Centre and went to HUGO BOSS where we encountered the nicest/ funniest salesman i have ever met before. i love new york. haha. We were gonna go 2 the Empire State Building but by the time someone mentioned it the sun was already setting and we decided 2 go tomorrow. All the girls decided we wanted 2 walk around SOHO somemore so we did. We got attracted by this shiny sparkly store that sold everything accessories. Cept since im allergic 2 most of that stuff i started 2 get a little itchy when i walked in...haha jkjk. i managed 2 find a bauble necklace that i thought was pretty and a star necklace for I, that if i wasn't allergic 2, i would have bought for myself....sigh. I *think* that we went 2 eat at a cheesy chinese restaurant on thursday. The funny thing is our bill at the chinese restaurant including tip was less than the total tip that we had 2 give our server at ninja new york. aaaah funny.
*Friday February 24th. I was actually quite surprised that i hadn't passed out from lack of sleep yet because everyday that i had been in NY so far i slept late (3AM-ish) and woke up early (7 45-8 00) Anyhoo, we took a ferry to the statue of liberty (shes a lot more atomic green than i expected) It was pretty neat i'll say but i was a little dissapointed because we only got 2 go as high as the pedestal. I think if you paid more you could go up 2 her crown or something. It was super super windy that day and being high off ground in the middle of the ocean in skirts wasn't the greatest idea. Fun yet silly. We almost missed the last ferry of the island, but thank goodness we didn't. I was so happy that this day turned out really well. We made it to the Empire State Building, and despite the super long line up we still made it in time to see the sunset. It was soooo amazing how the cityscape practically went from color to black in like 30 mintues. Amaaaazing. Um...after that we went back 2 the Y and put some proper clothes on and then went 2 eat at another cafe. oh no wait i lied. we went to eat at japanese restaurant #3. Their appetizers were eggsalent and i am in heart w/ their Gobo Chips (strips of deepfried eggplant w/ this sexy awesome cod roe, spicy mayo dip....drooool) My main course wasn't that great. I ordered a tekka don (tuna on rice) w/ this yam puree. which i thought was going to be really tasty....turns out yam was this weird yam, and the puree was *extremely* cold and slimy. *shudder*, i thought if i stirred up the purree and rice together it would neutralize the taste...boy was i wrong. hahaha. aaaah. (ps. have i ever mentioned that i never get tired of japanese food, haha)
*Saturday February 25th. This was our last day in NY and also our *free day*. Me, R and H walked around 5th....or was it 6th ave some, and went 2 the disney store, this specialty chocolate store, and the Tiffany store. Dear lord the jewelry in that store is so expensive. (the 1st floor diamond section anyways) a single pair of earrings was $3900USD. One earring alone could have paid for a semester of tuition for me. good lord. The tension between R & H was starting 2 peak at an unbelieve able high and i had absolutely no idea what do to. hoya. We met th rest of the gang at SOHO again and i finally made it to the ellusive Pearl River Market that claire had been telling me so greatly about. I think i maxed out my credit card there. hahah. That was pretty much it for that day. Oh for dinner we met H's friends and ate at this korean restaurant that, although nice looking wasn't that great. My friends told me it was quite expensive and i'll agree that the service was bad. Ho hum... I still have some things i remember doing but can't see m2 remember the proper dates so i'll write up another blog w/ all the descrepancies another day. bye bye folks!

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