Saturday, March 11, 2006


I was just reading the See paper in hopes of finding this elusive Mad Hatters Ball that i heard about from T. Hohoho sounds pretty neat-o, i actually kinda wanna go 2 this (and since i said it it prolly means i will) yahooo. Me and the ladies from NY went out 4 lunch today at a japanese restaurant to reminisce....*siiiigh* i miss NY too you guys. hahah. Then i went 2 the ID shop in hopes of biscuiting my children's stool together but poor kenny was swamped (w/ this one girl actually) and he didn't have time 2 show me how 2 use the biscuit machine till like....5 mintues before class. *sob sob*.... sooo i brought all my pieces home to do i dont know what. Aaaaarg mateys. Then i went 2 see 'failure to launch' w/ Ls. We *were* gonna see ultraviolet but she wanted 2 go see the former. eeh it was actually pretty decent, this is the first movie i've seen w/ Matthew you know who. Hes actually quite good looking, and... i want 2 say i think hes naturally athletic, because he sure does look that way.... Did i mention to you guys that when Tracy and Nicole went 2 Vanny for reading week they seen Michael Rosenbaum? THOSE LUCKY BASTARDS. they saw sexy lexy....sob sob. I just learned an acronym that i saw from SEE. DTMFA. (dump that mother fucker already) Hohoho i thought that was priceless. Oh another thing i wanted 2 briefly mention was Stockholm Syndrome. I always thought there was something kinda cute about that. (although up until now i always thought that it was the captor that felt drawn 2 the victim not the other way around) but still its equally as captivating....le sigh. Anyways i should go 2 bread now so that i can wake up and go 2 work 2morrow w/o looking half dead. eeeeerg aaaaarg

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