Tuesday, March 14, 2006

green eyed monster i am.

boy boy boy, i've been turing into a jealous little girl lately....hahah not really but it was all i could think off. Yesterday during the last hour of work, this extremely extremely good looking man came in to eat. And he asked me if we had bento boxes, and i was like 'yes but you just missed our lunch one, the dinner one is a bit more expensive' and he said he'd sit down anyways and order something else. and i was like (yay, now i can secretly stare at his gorgeousness tee hee) hahah yes i know i'm creepy, but hey its what happens when you've been single for so long. Aaaanyways, so he sat, i watched...yadda yadda. And Tracy my server just happened 2 come back from break and sat down and read her book. And that guy came up 2 pay and Karen (azn server) took care of his bill, so i went 2 the hostess stand so i could *be polite* and say bye. hohoho. But rather than turn around and leave the pretty man turned to his left and.... introduced himself to tracy. apparently he asked her out for coffee.....*sob sob* so close.... But, i thoguht that that was really really sweet. tracy said that she liked the guy because he had the balls to just walk up and ask someone out for coffee, aaaand i agree. I was talking 2 jess just now and she was mentioning how guys always ask when she works next and stuff. However they do it indirectly (ie through other workmates on the phone) and THAT takes out all the sweetness. siiigh. there was something else i wanted 2 mention but it appears that i have forgotten it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Guys love a girl who reads. It must have been her book that make her approachable.