Wednesday, March 08, 2006

distant memories of new york.

aaah heres the last day i spent in NY, along w/ all the other snipits that i remember happening just dont recall when.....
Sunday was pretty much a travel day minus the getting up at 3AM part. The ladies all went 2 get their nails done and H got his hair cut. Then we ate one last breakfast/lunch in NY and called it a day. Siiigh. The flight back was *horrible* we had 2 make a stop over in Montana to fuel up, and i didn't get back home till ~1 30AM (flight was supposed 2 get in at 10 30PM). didn't make it any better that no one came 2 pick me up....sob sob. and that was the end of New York. I felt that it was an awesome trip though so it was all good. We did so much stuff and i'm super glad. I forget wat day but we say Beauty & the Beast on broadway. It was pretty good. I thought Lumiere stole the show, and i bought a beast doll. haha i shoulda bought lumiere but i didn't see him till after i bought beast. oh right, on the first day in NY i passed by the waldorf astoria. It holds a special place in my heard from the movie *coming to america* w/ eddie murphy and arsenio hall. sigh.... The waldorf astoria is a super super super fancy hotel, and from the picture/ad that i seen on the outside of the building, the inside must be F 'in amazing. Hahah. On the first day i also saw my first 'Kinko's'. I heard dane cook say kinko's all the time and i'm like *wut the hell is kinkos?' hahah apparenlty its not as sick as it sounds. Kinko's is apparently another name for FedEx.... haha who'd have knew. I also forgot 2 say that on saturday night after dinner we ran into some problems getting home. The train stations were starting 2 close down and everyone was low on cash. Not to mention the ticket dispensing machine stopped taking credit cards and bills, which is what practically everyone had. Eventually we just bought 2 tickets and everyone squished into the stalls to get through. Hahaha, liek i told everyone, a trip isnt a trip unless something goes awry. I thought it was fun. hahah..... aaaaah i love you new york. And that'll be it for today. I still have one more entry/anecdote to tell you guys. Its regarding something that happened one night when all us ladies were gossiping and sharing stories. I've been wanting 2 write about it for a really really long time now....

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