Thursday, March 30, 2006

Re-arrange, re-arrange

I was super bored today, so i re arranged my bed room.... hahah. It was so out of the blue, i went 2 put my manga's away and i got a little angry cuz i couldn't get 2 my side table cuz my bed was so close 2 the wall and there was already abox in the way. so i was like *ARG this would be so much better if my sidetable and cpu desk switched places* and then a lightbulb went on and i spent the next 2 hours barricaded in my room moving stuff around. hohohoh. hahaha. I love walking into a room right after you've re arranged it and your like *WTF...ooooh yeaaaaah* hahaha. huuurg, couple nights ago i was lying in bed bored and so i decided 2 see how long i could hold my breath for. hahaha and then coincedentially that night i dreamed i flew up in a spaceship and we had to evacuate and the only way i could stay alive was by holding my breath till i entered earth's atmosphere. and if i breathed the pressure would crush my body. hohoho man it was actually a pretty scary dream if i think about it cuz i was thinking that i'd die....yowzers. haaarg anyways thats all for now. this entry was just meant to kill some time hahah.

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