Wednesday, April 05, 2006


wow, first it was a week of non stop posting, now its a week of stop posting. hahah i really actually have nothing to say, i'm just trying to kill....5 mintues and 52 seconds. I've been on this rampage of video game speed run's. Its so f'ing amazing when some crazy kid can beat super mario in less time than it takes me to brush my teeth. hahah. I watched some guy beat mario 64 in 21 21 mintues of my life....i have however lost all urge 2 play mario 64 again. hahaha. it was busy at work today...stranger for a tuesday, but it was prolly cuz we said the magicall words of *i dont think its going to be busy today* huuuur. Um... well our dog house in ID is coming along okay, cept i felt pretty bad for getting that angle wrong on our house... sigh....i've lost all math skills....why oh why.... Um... oh yeah! As of 2morrow i officially have only one week of school left. Boy oh boy this year seemed 2 go by uber fast. I can't wait to waste my summer away!!!! huuurr... come on super mario video hurry.....DAMMIT MY VIDEO JUST FROZE.... HUUUUUUUURG I WAITED 20 MINTUES SO I COULD SEE PRINCESS BEAT SUPER MARIO 2 IN 5 MINTUES..... HELP ME JEBUS!!!!
maaan, im depressed now....sigh. if anyone out there can beat and super mario game in an amazingly short time...*hey hows it going...we should hook up* .... ; )

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