Thursday, April 13, 2006

been a while

it sure has, its been so long ** no longer appears in my address bar history..... *wow* Aaaanyum last day of classes today! whoo-haa-hoo. Kinda bitter sweet though, didn't really feel like last day. My design class didnt have an end of the year class party, although they did go 2 a bar. I think i might have went if i called LS out cuz shes a ppl person and a drinker, but iris seemed 2 the the first person i thought of.. ironic though cuz she hasn't finished classes yet.... but yeaaah. last day of classes today. aaaah i was waiting for today for the last few weeks now. Though i'm seriously not looking forward to my artH 209 exam in which i haven't attended class for a long time.... dang. Umm... these past few days i have been re reading all the manga that i have every bought and have completed the series. So far that is... CardCaptorSakura, Chobits, Paradise Kiss, and Sailor Moon. oooh every so often (mostly during the summer) i like to dust them off and read the whole series. I finished reading CCS in 2 days.... how sad. hahaha. (wow i have a lot of girly manga.) Ooop oop. looking forward to the animethon this year again. Hopefully i can go. I'm sure i've mentioned this before but i'm going to be ANBU Kakashi from Naruto. I'm going to be a hot man... YE-AH hahaha. oooh right in design class we were making dog houses to auction off for the SPCA. Sounded like a super fun project. I think i would have preferred working on my own, but w/ the limited amount of time i'm grateful for the group. The 3 of us got along pretty well (much more than H & W i think) but i think its cuz not only did we get the choice in choosing partners but also cuz the 3 of us are pretty carefree. Um... but i do have 2 say i dont like working in groups cuz i always feel so bad if i do soemthing wrong (which oh boy did i ever) I seemed 2 have made a lot of mistakes during this project... sigh sigh. I'm sure L & A think i'm totally incompetent. daaaaw. But oh well i tried my almost hardest. Um... i'm just thinking now about when i should have my interview thing w/ jeff.... originally i signed up for the one at 9-9 15 so that i could go right after work. BUT i looked at the list thing before i left and theres a huge gap between the 2nd last person and me so i might leave early on W and just see jeff then. jargon five. I think thats all...Ooooh no wait. I bought a plant last sunday. i forget the name of the flower but they're my new 2nd favorite flower. Its those flowers that look like daisys but have a lot more petals and come in like white, red, pink, and i think orange, and the stems are really thick and sometimes the florist puts them in a big straw so they dont bend... but yeah i bought a red plant of those flowers. Its sitting on my cpu desk, and it makes me happy when i look at it... aaaaaw. I want 2 call it Mr. Ukki (for no apparent reason... hohoho)

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