Friday, April 21, 2006

fun fun

Hi sportsfans! Back again. I just have a little anecdote that i'd love to share w/ everybody. Today for some idiotic reason i decided to.... rollerblade to work. What is really idiotic is that i actually dont really know how to rollerblade. I can 'glide' and thats about it. My balance and grace on those babies are practically reduced to nil. So why i decided 2 go to work on those hell blades beats the living crap outta me. But anyways. So i strapped them on (completely forgeting the fact that i haven't rollerbladed in like 2 years, and that i also cannot stop, a very important thing to learn folks) Haaah, weeeell i guess i did think it over before because i actually planned my route 2 work. Rather than going straight to work via 110 Street and down the hill, i decided to go out to 109 street where i vaguely remembered there being not much of a hill. But apparently a minor decline is all that it takes to have me spiralling out of control... haha no i exagerated.... a little. Basically i started speeding up while going down 109. (funny cuz the ppl walking the opposite way prolly know i couldnt' stop and cleared this huge path....i should have just fell and saved face....) Anyways, i was coming up to Jasper ave, and realizing that the light was turning red and since i didn't want to run into the middle of traffic i opted for the next best thing.
To stop.
By crashing into a stop sign
yeah it was pretty funny now that i think about it. I practically winded myself. Whats even funnier is after i ran into the post, i just went on like nothing happened....*sigh* i came home later and found dollar sized red bruise on my knee... *s-II-gh* Rollerblades should have easier braking mechanisms....hahaha. Thats prolly about it. I told my workmates and they laughed...really hard. hahah which is what i'd do to if someone told me that story.

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