Wednesday, April 19, 2006

*gasp* oxygen at last

Ung, finally some breathing room. whoooo, i was waiting for this moment for a week now. I finished my Art H 209 exam today. aaaah. How well i did is another question. I'd guess that the first 3 qestions were pretty okay. The last one however i was totally not looking forward to. Crazy neighborhood. Not to mention that since it was the last question, my hand was sore and i only had 20 mintues it was basically an incoherrent jumble of scribbles and words that might or might not make sense..... sigh. I should be dead tired seeing as i got les than 2 hours of sleep last night, but i've been itching 2 write in you blog baby. *oh ye-ah* hahaha. These past few days were kinda depressing. Feel bad saying it but its true. Thursday was my first official sleep in day, and then i went 2 work. My grandparents came out again to see my cousin and her new baby and she had a month old party type thing, so that pretty much took care of friday. saturday i also worked, i feel pretty bad now because i ditched having dinner w/ my cousins because i had 2 study. But at the same time if i went i wouldn't have gotten any studying in. Sunday i went 2 work again and .... i think we went out for dinner.... can't remember. Monday.... did i go 2 work again?? yeah i did (bad because i seemed 2 have gotten more work shifts during exam week) went 2 work, got off early then went 2 the U 2 study and check out that 'neighborhood' for Q4. brisk walks are actually quite relaxing, i should do them more often. Then we went out for dinner (for shure this time). The 2 days before exams are always the greatest cuz i cram like a madwoman. Monday night i started 2 kick it into high gear, but since my usual study areas were not available (my room because grandparents were sleeping there, and the living room cuz tchow was watching full house and that was a distraction) So where did i go 2 study? The bathroom. Yes i took in a stool and my busy board lap desk thing and sat in the bathroom for 3 hours. Pretty sad eh? But at least you see the commitment i make. hahah. Tuesday was actually pretty crazy too. I managed 2 sleep in till 12 when i suddenly reembered i had 2 finish my report for DES 370. Well it was more add pictures and a title page the actual report was done awhile ago. I had 2 go 2 staples 2 photocopy the pictures and by the time i got home it was around 2ish. I was thinking of taking a nap but i actually decided not 2 and got in an hour worth of studying (that folks is amazing that i turned down sleep) I went 2 work were it was unbelievable SLOW. no idea, me and the 2 servers sat and folded chopsticks for almost 3 straight hours. Then it picked up around 8 which was horrible cuz i had 2 leave around 8 30 to go 2 the U and see my instructor. But my brother said he'd give me a ride so i decided 2 stay until 8 45. I called him then and he was like *i'm sleeping, take the train* Man i was so pissed off cuz i was going 2 be late. So i ran 2 the train station then ran 2 the studio where my instructor must have thought i was a beheamoth cuz i was so out of breath and red and sweating. hahah *sigh* what a last impression. Interview was the same as usual, I'm an idiot yadda yadda. hahah Pretty much jeff talking and me knodding my head. i dunno how come i can't think of anything 2 say 2 jeff even though i find that hes the instructor that seems 2 be the most understanding of students cuz of the age range and likes and disklikes. Buuuut thats just assuming.
OH! speaking of good looking guys. *hohoho* At work on Monday i swear to goodness that i seen somebody who looked like...craig(well actually i've never seen the guy in real life im so it was based on memory and foolishness) UNG i still get that floaty sensation when i see his name. (you bastard) But yes, so i seen this guy who looked like craig had he aged, which technically since the last picture i seen of him he has. Like he wasn't super pretty or anything and actually reminded me of those aging programs. But there was a resemblance/false hope. Hahah. But i was like *ah what are the chances, hes obviously not craig* And THEN ...while i was secretly watching hahah i noticed he was left handed.... GUH. Buuuut i tried 2 let it go, pure coincedence. And thats where i left it at. Although i would have loved 2 have been a creep and read the name on his credit card buuuut i didnt. (mainly cuz he paid w/ cash... hahah i AM a creep) sigh. Thats pretty much now for the escapades of corinna. Just gotta gun down my mandarin exam and its smooth sailing.....animethon come sooner!!

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