Friday, March 31, 2006

yo dawg

C-cho, here how goes it. Arg matey. this ones prolly gonna be another short li'l post. I have a mandarin quiz 2morrow which i am extremely not looking forward too. oh snap. OH i remember what i wanted 2 say now. *hoho* i seen mister good lookin' again today. haaar, i forgets if i posted about him before. (just have 2 cut in, i'm listening 2 the main theme from FFVII right now and i just have to say that i absolutely love this part even since i was young.....*sigh* so beautiful) oh but right! hahah the pretty man came into my work place again, haha hes so lonely he always comes in by himself....but he sure is pretty! *wink wink nudge nudge* hahaha i have absolutely no idea what that means. But, i should prolly go 2 bread, gotta go 2 the U early 2morrow so i can register for china 202 next year and hopefully get some moolah back from el senoir der. Tra lalaaa.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Re-arrange, re-arrange

I was super bored today, so i re arranged my bed room.... hahah. It was so out of the blue, i went 2 put my manga's away and i got a little angry cuz i couldn't get 2 my side table cuz my bed was so close 2 the wall and there was already abox in the way. so i was like *ARG this would be so much better if my sidetable and cpu desk switched places* and then a lightbulb went on and i spent the next 2 hours barricaded in my room moving stuff around. hohohoh. hahaha. I love walking into a room right after you've re arranged it and your like *WTF...ooooh yeaaaaah* hahaha. huuurg, couple nights ago i was lying in bed bored and so i decided 2 see how long i could hold my breath for. hahaha and then coincedentially that night i dreamed i flew up in a spaceship and we had to evacuate and the only way i could stay alive was by holding my breath till i entered earth's atmosphere. and if i breathed the pressure would crush my body. hohoho man it was actually a pretty scary dream if i think about it cuz i was thinking that i'd die....yowzers. haaarg anyways thats all for now. this entry was just meant to kill some time hahah.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

ja- jumb-oo

ho hum, i just came back from rum jungle w/ my workmates. hohoho. pretty decent night tonight. except that i am to believe that i am allergic 2 alcohol : ( I had...what 2 drinks and a shot of tequilla. and i got all red. like red *everywhere* my hands and feet are pretty bloated right now and i 20 mintues ago i was having a little problem breathing. hohohoh dangerous..... hahaha dangerous or CRAZ-EE hohoho. anyways i'm gonna go pass out now, i hope my lungs dont stop working.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Magical Post Number 1-0-1 !!

I should get a prize for updating this so frequently. Hohoh seriously i thought this blog was gonna be a phase in my life, like showering. HA no kidding about that one....seriously.... Any hoo, another quick note i would just like to note. Jacob Hoggard is one uber hot mofo. Dear lord, hahah he sure is purdy. mmm. tee hee. Welp thats all for today folks.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

swoon factor #2

Oh i forgot 2 mention in my previous post. I noticed something else today while i was at work about members of the opposite sex. I mentioned before that when i find out a guy can speak multiple languages it ups his 'hotness'. Another factor that can add to that is how a guy dresses. I knew before but today i just re-remembered at how attracted i am to guys who dress well. i dont mean like, blingin' expensive brand name clothes, i mean like, crisp dress shirts and black pants. Oh dear lord, this pretty decent man came in today by himself wearing like a black business trenchcoat style jacket and i was like *meh*. Then he sat down and took off his jacket and he was wearing like a striped light pink dress shirt (w/ the top 2 buttons undone....) and black pants, and i was like *Hell-OO* Hahaha, i have weird taste in men. I like punk/emo makeup-y men, and then i like business,well dressed, tie wearing men. HOH if i found a 9-5 office working man by day who's past times include writing emo music and going to night clubs, HOH i'd never have 2 day dream again! haha....

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

if i were a guy, i'd be pretty good lookin'

yo, haha serious about the title there. cathy sent me some of the pics she took from NY and theres this one pic where i seriously look like her ex. I set it as my display pic and she said so too. siigh.
Oh right, so on saturday me T and Cathy went 2 the mad hatter's ball. We got there, and this lady dressed as the white rabbit (just like me) waved at us and said "Nice costume ladies!" (in a deep deep man's voice). whoo-ee. Hahah, so then the 3 of us sat down and i looked at the program and noticed who this party was put together by.... "The Pride Centre of Edmonton" (they're symbol thinging was a rainbow happy face....) WHOO-EE hahah so T just happened 2 bring me to a gay party. Hahah but it was pretty fun. There were drag queens there and drag Alice was HOT hoho seriously he had 'nice legs'. I'm super jealous....
Oyah, someone left me a comment on my blog today! Hoh, if i do remember correctly this is the first comment i've recieved that isn't A) from my friends, B) from myself, or C) from some guy trying 2 sell life insurance. Thanks dude, you've made my day. I visited his blog page 2 check out his stuff and i laughed hard at this one entry he made about teaching grade 3/4 gym class and the need of wearing 'protection' against flailing limbs (especially considering the heights of these kids) Mwa-haa. i laughed at this too: "I once saw a blind man trip over his seeing-eye-dog and I laughed so hard I almost puked. And it wasn't like I was a child - I was probably in my early 20s. Here I come, Satan!" (Making a comment about evil things hes done) It's okay spoonman, i once knocked over an entire display of wooden jewelry boxes at a discount store. aaaaah.
I got my visa (rather found should be the correct word) today. $1300 all in 7 days. pretty sad ey? hahah i'd be so broke if i ever lived in NY. To top things off, after i payed for my statement, I came home from work and went shopping on the net. So sad. i really really want these 2 perfumes. The first one is ralph laurens....well...'ralph' spray. I smelt it somewhere before few years ago and i thought it was really pretty and everytime i smell it again i still thing its really pretty....sigh why didn't i buy you in NY?? The second perfume i want is 'memoirs of a geisha' by fresh. I actually have forgotten how it smells like but when i smelt it in NY it was really nice too. i'm dying 2 smell it again because i remembered it smelled pretty....sigh why didn't i buy you in NY?? haaaarg. aaaanyways, i'm gong 2 bed now. LOOK its only 12AM!! maybe if i hop in bed right now i'll fall asleep before 4!!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

pretty men.

(Shortest post ever today.) Mainly because i only have one thing i want to note, which i will embellish on in a later entry....
*Young men in drag are H-O-T*

Saturday, March 18, 2006


其得, 我今天去得地方其是太好了! siiigh, i love night people....
i went on my very first pub crawl today w/ a bunch of fry-ends. I feel kinda bad because iris asked me 2 go 2 this art auction thingy but i completely forgot about it....but at the same time.... i really wanted 2 go on this pub crawl..... Althought the actual crawl wasn't that great as i was hoping it would be. We stayed at each bar for like....30 minutes. And then the bars seemed 2 get progressively worse. First we went 2 The Globe, then Iron Horse, then The Standard and finally Union Hall. I think i liked Iron Horse best out of the 3 music wise anyways. The Standard's set up was nice but the music wasn't that great i find. Oh hahah and our bus leader man was extremely good looking. Or well not 'extremely' but pretty good. Tee Hee. This guy threw up in front of his and splatter got onto my shoes....*sob sob* Aaaah, anyways the Union was really bad i think, they were overbooked and we had 2 wait like 10 mintues 2 get in (even w/ VIP passes) and inside everything was sticky, and the music was the worst i think. It reminded me of moshing music. Hahah. Aaaah so anyways we got on some random bus and it took us to Whyte Ave where we all walked 2 Sam Wok (we beat the rush by like 10 mintues i swear) and ate some dinner. And then the group split up and me and cathy went in search of an elusive taxi. Hahaha surprisingly this was actually my favorite part of the night. We walked for like 20 mintues in the blowing snow (in short skirts also) trying 2 wave a cab down. And we started walking 2 wards the U and me and cathy went on the opposite sides of the road trying 2 get a cab and while i was standing by myself a random guy walked up to me and gave me a single rose.... aaaaaaaaaaw.... hahaha. the miracle of mini skirts strikes again. So then we were still having no luck and my thunder-thighs were starting 2 get numb so i thought we would try walking 2 Tim Horton's and waiting 4 a cab there cuz thats what i did last time i got stranged at whyte. And so me and cathy started walking, and this cute guy wearing only a t-shirt and jeans jogs past us and is like,
"aaaarg its f-in FREEZING out here" (looks at us)
and i go, *it sure the hell is!*
"HEY, at least you guys have JACKETS!!!!"
and i said, *HEY, at least you have PANTS!!!!*
"....thats a very good point...." and then he ran back and spun me and cathy around (and i said he was cute) and then he started jogging off again. AND THEN. an empty cab came by and he waved at it but it drove past him, and me and cathy waved, and it started 2 slow down, but this other couple started running towards it and we were like *NOOOOOOOOOooooooo* and then, the cutie like bulldozed past the 1st couple and was like *TAXI MAN, TAKE THESE 2 GIRLS THEY'RE FREEZING, SERIOUSLY I'VE SEEN THEM WALKING FROM LIKE 8 BLOCKS TAKE THEM TAKE THEM!!!!* ....and the taxi man did take us..... AAAAAAAAWWW. so then before i got in the taxi i was like *oh thanks so much!!* and he winked at me and kissed his fingers and put them on my cheek and then he turned his face and kinda leaned in towards me. Aaaaand i prolly woulda done it either or, but i still thought he was really sweet, and since he didnt try and like force a slobbery kiss on me, i kissed him on the cheek....aaaaaaww.... i'm so sappy. hahaha but it was AWESOME!!!! sigh. i shoulda asked for his name. why WHYYYYY. le sigh. I also think i re-caught my cold again.... heheh OOPS.... aaaaargh gotta go 2 bread now.
ps. i think i'm a little tipsy, i'm re-reading this entry and i realize i make very little sense....

Thursday, March 16, 2006


super short post today. I'm aiming 2 fall asleep before 1AM. (i tried yesterday but somehow it became 3AM....) anyhoo, just wanted 2 comment on design class today. Hohoh i'm so happy that my stool is finally finished (er well not 'quite' i want 2 touch up the blotchy paint job i did) But i'm actually extremely proud of this project. Hahah A) because its actually the first functional working thing that i built. B) its the first thing i made completely using power tools and wood. and C) it looks presentable! Hohoh i'm so proud of you stoolzilla. hahaha. I know that like in a manufactured eye its far from perfect, but, HEY SHUDDUP i like it. hahaha I'm debating whether or not i should give it away because it holds a special place in my heart....haha. sigh. Anyways i'm going to bed now. hohoh looky you guys a post completed in under 5 minutes! shocking.
ps. looking forward to friday and saturday, hohoh perhaps i will meet my future husband? hahah riiiiight.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

green eyed monster i am.

boy boy boy, i've been turing into a jealous little girl lately....hahah not really but it was all i could think off. Yesterday during the last hour of work, this extremely extremely good looking man came in to eat. And he asked me if we had bento boxes, and i was like 'yes but you just missed our lunch one, the dinner one is a bit more expensive' and he said he'd sit down anyways and order something else. and i was like (yay, now i can secretly stare at his gorgeousness tee hee) hahah yes i know i'm creepy, but hey its what happens when you've been single for so long. Aaaanyways, so he sat, i watched...yadda yadda. And Tracy my server just happened 2 come back from break and sat down and read her book. And that guy came up 2 pay and Karen (azn server) took care of his bill, so i went 2 the hostess stand so i could *be polite* and say bye. hohoho. But rather than turn around and leave the pretty man turned to his left and.... introduced himself to tracy. apparently he asked her out for coffee.....*sob sob* so close.... But, i thoguht that that was really really sweet. tracy said that she liked the guy because he had the balls to just walk up and ask someone out for coffee, aaaand i agree. I was talking 2 jess just now and she was mentioning how guys always ask when she works next and stuff. However they do it indirectly (ie through other workmates on the phone) and THAT takes out all the sweetness. siiigh. there was something else i wanted 2 mention but it appears that i have forgotten it.

Saturday, March 11, 2006


I was just reading the See paper in hopes of finding this elusive Mad Hatters Ball that i heard about from T. Hohoho sounds pretty neat-o, i actually kinda wanna go 2 this (and since i said it it prolly means i will) yahooo. Me and the ladies from NY went out 4 lunch today at a japanese restaurant to reminisce....*siiiigh* i miss NY too you guys. hahah. Then i went 2 the ID shop in hopes of biscuiting my children's stool together but poor kenny was swamped (w/ this one girl actually) and he didn't have time 2 show me how 2 use the biscuit machine till like....5 mintues before class. *sob sob*.... sooo i brought all my pieces home to do i dont know what. Aaaaarg mateys. Then i went 2 see 'failure to launch' w/ Ls. We *were* gonna see ultraviolet but she wanted 2 go see the former. eeh it was actually pretty decent, this is the first movie i've seen w/ Matthew you know who. Hes actually quite good looking, and... i want 2 say i think hes naturally athletic, because he sure does look that way.... Did i mention to you guys that when Tracy and Nicole went 2 Vanny for reading week they seen Michael Rosenbaum? THOSE LUCKY BASTARDS. they saw sexy lexy....sob sob. I just learned an acronym that i saw from SEE. DTMFA. (dump that mother fucker already) Hohoho i thought that was priceless. Oh another thing i wanted 2 briefly mention was Stockholm Syndrome. I always thought there was something kinda cute about that. (although up until now i always thought that it was the captor that felt drawn 2 the victim not the other way around) but still its equally as captivating....le sigh. Anyways i should go 2 bread now so that i can wake up and go 2 work 2morrow w/o looking half dead. eeeeerg aaaaarg

Thursday, March 09, 2006

near death like state of being

HOY-ho, its mass blog entry time. yaaaaaah.
Dwear Mne, I was so sick yesterday. My dummy of a brofer caught a cold, and he was in and out of my room (TAKING A NAP IN MY BED....) and i ended up catching his cold (dirty son of a....) well actually i just got a wicked sore throat, and i didn't want it 2 get worse so i like, ran 2 save ons and bought medicine and halls, and rubbed vicks vapo-rub all over my bod-ay. my sore throat didn't escalate to anything worse really but i got one hell of a headache on Wednesday right before heading to des. class. Hoy seriously i dont think i've ever had such a throbbing headache before (i was worried i was going to cut off something important or pass out..hahah...bad bad) But nothing happened. However i got home and felt really sick and didn't eat dinner and i tried going 2 bread early but i got really hot under the covers and when i kicked them off i felt really cold. sooo i might have also had a fever too. heh heh. Boy was i sick. Haaah i feel really silly (hey, being sick makes you hallucinate) but while i was in bed i was imagining that it was going to be my last day on earth, and i was kinda scared to fall asleep.....BUT as you can see i'm here writing this blog entry so....'i made it!' haaaaaaar....
Anyways, there is a main reason for this entry today. When i was in NY i realized that me and Ls had a lot in common that i never would have imagined. And she actually really surprised me in the typer of person she is. Well, she has a twin sister (that surprised me because i always think having a twin is really special) and one night the 4 of us girls were just sitting around talking. And we got on the topic of family or something, and Ls told us this story that happened like...several months ago, and i felt it really hit close to home. Anyways, Ls told us that her twin had attempted to commit suicide. She said that she had just walked in to check up on her sister and found her all pale and practically unconscious on her bed. And obviously Ls was really scared and called her family for help, but her dad was really skeptical and didn't want 2 take her 2 the hospital. But thankfully alot of Ls's relatives are in med school and they kept making her drink water and stuff, but eventually her dad finally took her 2 emergency. They had 2 make her drink watery stuff as i believe Ls called it, to induce vommiting. And obviously it must taste gross and not wanting 2 drink it. But Ls sat there and held her sisters hand and talked to her till like 6AM just getting her 2 drink the water. Later Ls told us that she was really angry w/ herself because she had walked in on her sister an hour before the whole escapade started and she thought her sister was acting a little weird but didn't think much of it. And she was like *....if i had known and tried 2 talk 2 her then she probably wouldn't have done what she did....* (Her sister is okay right now btw.) But what i found really scary is the stuff Ls told us later. She said that she knew that her sister had problems before this incident happened. She said that at like....11-12-ish her sister stopped taking/getting pictures taken of herself, and she also started like....hurting herself. And when Ls asked her why she did that she said somthing like 'oh because it feels comforting....' And her description of her sister sent a chill up my spine. Because....well there was a period of time where i constantly felt that way, and the way she was describing her sister reminded me of myself. I used to (still do kinda) hate taking pictures of myself or w/ other people because i always felt that i took really bad pictures and that i was really ugly. And actually i dont like looking at pictures of myself from the past because i still see myself as really ugly when compared to all my friends. Same thing goes w/ looking in a mirror too. When i first moved out to edmonton i was actually kind of scared for myself because i did some scary stuff too. My brother used to come home really late from class sometimes therefore i'd be home by myself. every so often i would always get really really upset over something and would start crying and screaming really really hard and i would seriously dig my nails into my palms so hard i'd get welts the next day....this one time i took a serrated knife into the bathroom w/ me and i started 2 run in over my wrist. Like gently at first, and then i started thinking about all the stuff i didn't like about myself. and the more i thought, the more angry i got and the harder i started 2 run the knife across my wrists. It probably must've hurt like hell but at that time it didn't matter because honestly i think the mental anguish was 10X worse than the physical pain. huurg, suicide is so stupid, and i bet half the reasons ppl commit suicide are because of dumb superficial reasons. The world is a pretty shitty place i think, and when someone is feeling a bit depressed, everything can turn against them. I think i thought to much in the past. I cared way too much about what others thought of me and didn't care about myself....god. i dont know how many times i must've thought of suicide when i was 17. I think, though, that one of the main reasons i'm still here today though is because of my family. I mean i dont think any of them knew what i was going through at the time (because i wasn't completely depressed all the time, but everyonce in awhile) but, i still really loved my family and the close friends that i had. And i knew from experience what it felt like when a friend or loved one hurt your feelings or has ever made you cry. And... well i never ever wanted to be the source of that pain or feeling. And, pretty much i knew that if i ever died that way i'd cause a lot of saddness to my loved ones, and that was the last thing that i ever wanted to do.....
Wow. It feels really good getting that out every so often. I mean i dont do that stuff anymore, but when Ls told us that story in NY i was really really quiet, and i thought of telling them about my experience to but....sigh i didnt. I think i felt there was too many ppl there at the time. If it was just me and Ls or me and C maybe i would have. But we'll never know now will we. siiiigh. Anyways, thats the story that i've been wanting 2 put down in words since the night Ls told us that story. ay, its time for bread now okey. cheerio.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

distant memories of new york.

aaah heres the last day i spent in NY, along w/ all the other snipits that i remember happening just dont recall when.....
Sunday was pretty much a travel day minus the getting up at 3AM part. The ladies all went 2 get their nails done and H got his hair cut. Then we ate one last breakfast/lunch in NY and called it a day. Siiigh. The flight back was *horrible* we had 2 make a stop over in Montana to fuel up, and i didn't get back home till ~1 30AM (flight was supposed 2 get in at 10 30PM). didn't make it any better that no one came 2 pick me up....sob sob. and that was the end of New York. I felt that it was an awesome trip though so it was all good. We did so much stuff and i'm super glad. I forget wat day but we say Beauty & the Beast on broadway. It was pretty good. I thought Lumiere stole the show, and i bought a beast doll. haha i shoulda bought lumiere but i didn't see him till after i bought beast. oh right, on the first day in NY i passed by the waldorf astoria. It holds a special place in my heard from the movie *coming to america* w/ eddie murphy and arsenio hall. sigh.... The waldorf astoria is a super super super fancy hotel, and from the picture/ad that i seen on the outside of the building, the inside must be F 'in amazing. Hahah. On the first day i also saw my first 'Kinko's'. I heard dane cook say kinko's all the time and i'm like *wut the hell is kinkos?' hahah apparenlty its not as sick as it sounds. Kinko's is apparently another name for FedEx.... haha who'd have knew. I also forgot 2 say that on saturday night after dinner we ran into some problems getting home. The train stations were starting 2 close down and everyone was low on cash. Not to mention the ticket dispensing machine stopped taking credit cards and bills, which is what practically everyone had. Eventually we just bought 2 tickets and everyone squished into the stalls to get through. Hahaha, liek i told everyone, a trip isnt a trip unless something goes awry. I thought it was fun. hahah..... aaaaah i love you new york. And that'll be it for today. I still have one more entry/anecdote to tell you guys. Its regarding something that happened one night when all us ladies were gossiping and sharing stories. I've been wanting 2 write about it for a really really long time now....

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Fare thee well!

I just realized how un-appetizingly long the previous post was so i cut down it in half and pasted the other half in a new post. It doens't seem that menacing now does it? hahah. Enjoy.
*Thursday February 23rd. We were supposed 2 go the the statue of liberty this day but all the tickets 2 the statue were sold out. So corinna the great called and reserved some tix for the next day. (i was/and still am kinda/ worried because they took so much of my information) Anyhoo, we went and walked around the Time Warner Centre and went to HUGO BOSS where we encountered the nicest/ funniest salesman i have ever met before. i love new york. haha. We were gonna go 2 the Empire State Building but by the time someone mentioned it the sun was already setting and we decided 2 go tomorrow. All the girls decided we wanted 2 walk around SOHO somemore so we did. We got attracted by this shiny sparkly store that sold everything accessories. Cept since im allergic 2 most of that stuff i started 2 get a little itchy when i walked in...haha jkjk. i managed 2 find a bauble necklace that i thought was pretty and a star necklace for I, that if i wasn't allergic 2, i would have bought for myself....sigh. I *think* that we went 2 eat at a cheesy chinese restaurant on thursday. The funny thing is our bill at the chinese restaurant including tip was less than the total tip that we had 2 give our server at ninja new york. aaaah funny.
*Friday February 24th. I was actually quite surprised that i hadn't passed out from lack of sleep yet because everyday that i had been in NY so far i slept late (3AM-ish) and woke up early (7 45-8 00) Anyhoo, we took a ferry to the statue of liberty (shes a lot more atomic green than i expected) It was pretty neat i'll say but i was a little dissapointed because we only got 2 go as high as the pedestal. I think if you paid more you could go up 2 her crown or something. It was super super windy that day and being high off ground in the middle of the ocean in skirts wasn't the greatest idea. Fun yet silly. We almost missed the last ferry of the island, but thank goodness we didn't. I was so happy that this day turned out really well. We made it to the Empire State Building, and despite the super long line up we still made it in time to see the sunset. It was soooo amazing how the cityscape practically went from color to black in like 30 mintues. Amaaaazing. Um...after that we went back 2 the Y and put some proper clothes on and then went 2 eat at another cafe. oh no wait i lied. we went to eat at japanese restaurant #3. Their appetizers were eggsalent and i am in heart w/ their Gobo Chips (strips of deepfried eggplant w/ this sexy awesome cod roe, spicy mayo dip....drooool) My main course wasn't that great. I ordered a tekka don (tuna on rice) w/ this yam puree. which i thought was going to be really tasty....turns out yam was this weird yam, and the puree was *extremely* cold and slimy. *shudder*, i thought if i stirred up the purree and rice together it would neutralize the taste...boy was i wrong. hahaha. aaaah. (ps. have i ever mentioned that i never get tired of japanese food, haha)
*Saturday February 25th. This was our last day in NY and also our *free day*. Me, R and H walked around 5th....or was it 6th ave some, and went 2 the disney store, this specialty chocolate store, and the Tiffany store. Dear lord the jewelry in that store is so expensive. (the 1st floor diamond section anyways) a single pair of earrings was $3900USD. One earring alone could have paid for a semester of tuition for me. good lord. The tension between R & H was starting 2 peak at an unbelieve able high and i had absolutely no idea what do to. hoya. We met th rest of the gang at SOHO again and i finally made it to the ellusive Pearl River Market that claire had been telling me so greatly about. I think i maxed out my credit card there. hahah. That was pretty much it for that day. Oh for dinner we met H's friends and ate at this korean restaurant that, although nice looking wasn't that great. My friends told me it was quite expensive and i'll agree that the service was bad. Ho hum... I still have some things i remember doing but can't see m2 remember the proper dates so i'll write up another blog w/ all the descrepancies another day. bye bye folks!

The Inbetween

Boy have i slacked off or what, i still haven't finished my NewYork Update. HOY. I've probably completely forgotten everythingby now.... lets see how much else i can remember....HOHOH i just had the greatest idea, i can look at all my pictures and use them as a date reference 2 what i did that was interesting!!! BRILLIANT IDEA, mwa hahahaha....
*Monday February 20th. We went to the Museum of Modern Art and i'll have 2 say that i was probably a little dissapointed w/ this one because i was expecting the MoMa to be extravagant. (the way i felt about the Met) But it was pretty okay i think. We went 2 eat at our first of three Japanese restaurants this day for lunch. It was pretty good i think. Oh except that when we got there we got this table w/ a couch at the head, and the girls were (funny cuz i dont refer 2 myself as a girl) but they were fighting over who got 2 sit on the couch, UNTIL this thumbnail sized bug crawled out and onto the armrest. Everybody simultaneously got up and moved away from the bug. Um..., we all ordered bento's and i added on a spicy tuna (i have made it a new thing of mine to try out the spicy tuna in every japanese restaurant i go to....assuming they have one) Hahaha. Well after the MoMa i think we walked around Times Square....again. hahah and Sephora probably. I think somewhere along these few days i bought some clothes and random stuff and H&M, and the Billabong store in times square. sigh, i heart you new york, really i do.
*Tuesday February 21st. We went to the Graffiti/Mural tour in Brooklyn, which i was really looking forward too because i thought it was a walking tour and we'd get 2 see all sorts of graffiti. However it was a bus ride tour and i fell asleep through a good 1/2 of it. I loved all of the graffiti work we saw but i thought the murals weren't that interesting. Aaaaanywhoo, after the tour we went and walked around SOHO for a bit i think and went 2 the Strand Bookstore were i bought some fashion/design books and a addams family book for jess which i woldn't have mind keeping for myself but, oooh well. After that we went and walked around SOHO for a bit and i dont remember what stores we went 2 but...yeah...we did that. Hahah. I dont remember what we ate for dinner that night so it was probably some cafe food.
*Wednesday February 22nd. This was the last day that we ever saw Dick and co. till departure day. Hahah, i feel kinda bad but...aaah what can you do. We went 2 some small random galleries in SOHO again and i seen a pair of the cutest little dogs ever in a gallery. (weird cuz i usually dotn like small dogs) But anyways, we split up during lunch and walked SOHO somemore. I dont exactly remember what we did but....yeah spent some money probably. Hoh (picture reference) we followed henry around some and went 2 the Brooklyn Bridge, which i'll have 2 say after looking at my pictures, is really pretty. We walked around Brooklyn that day i think, and in the evening we went 2 visit Ground Zero. I got shivers up my spine when i stood at the Terminal spot and just looked over the site....We then traveresed 2 the World Finance Center where we spent pretty much an hour taking pictures of a ball of light. we're so childish. hahah. Wow we did alot of stuff on Wednesday. hahah. For dinner we went to NINJA NEW YORK. And for any readers out there who ever visit new york i highly recommend you go there w/ loads of money. That Japanese restaurant is AWESOME. First of all. when we the elevator dropped us off a ninja jumped out and greeted us. He then lead us through this cave to our tatami room. PS: did i mention ninja's served us? Hahah the food was excellent and well worth the 471USD bill. (including a mandatory 20%-73$ tip) Well, actually i paid a lot more for my food because i certainly didn't eat that much nor did i drink any of the 64$ bottle of sake that everyone ordered... boo urns but seriously the food was eggsalent. especially dessert, but everyone knows i love dessert. hahah. SIGH i love that restaurant, everyone is so friendly and it is the only place were *you will see a spanish ninja* haha the manager was super friendly and he showed us magic tricks, which i love. siiiigh. We all got free shuriken keychains and i stole all the coasters. hahaha. sigh. maybe i should open up a ninja edmonton! HOHOHO. naaaw, i dont think i'd be able 2 find servers that friendly. hahaha. Oh, i remeber that day we took a cab home and cathy screamed because she thought our taxi driver was going 2 hit a pedstrian. Everybody yelled at her and said *CATHY, if the cab driver hits anyone its because YOU made him*. aaah it was quite funny....not 2 mention that henry got severly drunk that night.