Friday, February 25, 2005

The Day After

hey scrappy doo. So its the day after and my tongue doesn't seem to be getting any bigger. PHEW i was scared that i was gonna like choke on it or soemthing. hahah. i cant pronounce my s' and t's and i cant do my crazy soundeffects, but ashide from dat i'm doing good. My cousin and one of my old friends said they wanna go and get soemthing pierced so I hope to take them to Divine. hahaha i'm not a stalker!! Jess is on webcam/audio right now and is palying songs by the moffatts...haha le sigh* i used to like the moffatts. doo dee doo. So i went to WEM today (accidentally i SWEAR) and i went and bought my mommy her birfday present at Fairweathers (i've decided to boycott Laura Petites cuz that bitch ass lady) but also ran into trouble.... sigh i just can't help but look like the dupe-able type. So i found a blazer that I thought my mom would like but noticed a button missing, so i took it along w/ a pair of pants up 2 the cashier, and told the girl that a button was missing. And she (who was on the phone the whole entire time talking to her bf or something said) *I'll give you 5% off*.... HONESTLY, 5% what is that like...a dollar??? duh, if i was that lady i'd feel ashamed for even offering 5%. If i said that at my work place the customers would prolly shove a fortune cookie up my ass. but yeaaah that was my day...ahah now that i think about it it was kinda terrible. I was craving like junk food, so i bought a poutine at NYFries.... haha big mistake, it took me like...45 minutes to eat 3/4 of it. I left after that. hahah i cant believe i made my friend wait that long. haha. Welp today was a very unproductive day. I slept till like 2, then i went out at 3ish 2 look for some unfound place and ended up walking around WEM till it closed...haha oh god im turning into a mall rat....I REALLY SHOULD BE PAINTING NOW....

Thursday, February 24, 2005

The feeling is almost Euphoric

Does anyone else love the feeling they get the moment after they've gotten a piercing/tattoo or something? Well I sure as hell do. Aaaah it feels so good. Heh heh, so i tried going to sleep super early yesterday so that today would come faster (not to mention i was really really tired) but alas, i stayed awake till 2AM channel surfing w/ my brother. I hopped into bed but i dont think i actually fell asleep till like...4AM... haha then i woke up 2 hours b4 my alarm clock rang and ended up just cleaning up the house, doing dishes, and making something to eat....random stuff. Hah, i never thought it was true about losing your apetite when your nervous, but boy was i wrong. I almost chucked up my perogie breakfast this morning cuz i was so nervous..hwa hwa. Aside from that my nerve racking day was also accompanied w/ a little anger. My friend who was supposed 2 accompany me was late today. I was even angrier cuz i know shes usually late so i called her b4 i even got dressed and told her i was leaving the house now and 2 meet me at the University and still managed to be 20 mintues late. Aaaah but whatever, my piercing man was hot good enough. Haa, so that means i didn't chicken out, i'd feel terrible if i did. So my piercing man was named Mat, and he was pretty :p I feel bad cuz I super drooled on his hand when he went 2 tighten the beads, haha *doh* So far i've always had a pretty guy do all my rebel stuff. I almost started laughing cuz all the stories i've read about him say he talks really fast, and boy does he ever. But aaah who cares he was hot and told me i was *so cute* tee hee. The piercing itself actually hurt a bit more than i was expecting, but i guess *duh* After i got out of the store i almost did that leprechaun jump haha feels soo good, mmmm. I have like a lisp-y now and an overbundance of saliva in my mouth, but its all good... aaah so pretty. If i ever decide to go and poke some more stuff in me i'll go back 2 divine, I like the guys there they're all like nice and friendly. haha so heres more advertisement, GO TO DIVINE ON WHYTE!!....AND KYOTO ON JASPER!! hahaha. aaaah i'm so happy after i get piercings and tattoo's done. When my tongue unswells from the size of a golfball i'll go and take a picture or something okeey. I have a wierd tongue, and my cousin tells me its gross. aaaw, but its okay, someone else decide if its weird or not later okay. Bye

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Whirlwind Kick HIYA

yeaaah so i just got up.... looks like a mighty fiiiine day today...haha no. welp its all set nooow :p i'm going in on wednesday 2pm to get my toungue pierced...oooh aaah getting those butterflies again.... hahah maaan how did i ever make a week feeling like this last year? I'm haveing a terrible terrible fear that i'm going sneeze right when he goes to put the needle through....hah seriously i keep thinking that. My friend is coming w/ me but she wont get anything pierced. she told me she thought about getting her navel pierced but she wont go do it....*sigh* if i had a flat tummy like she did i'd get it pierced too.... arg gar, i guess i should get ready or semthing.... maybe paint....but i dont think i will. Work is coming along nicely, cept when it gets really busy like on fridays and saturdays... oh the horrors the horrors. so my cousin should be coming out this time next week....which is always great cuz i never get anything done... hwaa hwaaa.... yeaaah. but i'm gonna go and shower then make a lunch or soemthing and go to work. bye bye

Monday, February 21, 2005

raaah SKELETOR i shave my legs for you

well well well, today was actually a not so bad day considering the start it had. i think i might have made enought money today alone to go and pay for my piercing..wooo aaaah. hahah but then i thought that maybe i hsould get my mom her b-day present first before i go and indulge in shopoholic mode.... but i guess it shold be okay w/ the paycheck i got coming in this month.... should be more than 2 digits this time..yaya hahaha.... aaaargh i cant wait for wednesday to come. its the start of my 5 day break. I've gotta paint like a madman... *sigh* i'm tired now....and its only 12 30...the shame the shame

Sunday, February 20, 2005

double trouble boil and bubble

doig, i'm sooo glad reading weeks finally here....cept that as of thursday 3 30 i was free of classes but haven't done anything yet that is considered reading week-ish. Friday, Saturday and all day tomorrow are all work booked...oh the shame the shame.... today especially was really bad. i dont know why but my fellow work mates dont seem to listen to me which results in the other workers thinking i'm stupid.... which makes me angry a lot. ug i almost had like a hernia today. but i didn't. yaaah. welp aside from that i booked off the end off next week n hopefully will go and get my tongue pierced on the first day that i get off...or maybe even right when i get off if i have 2 work the morning Wed.... yaaaah... whooo getting so nervous/excited... dunka dunka dunka... weeeell i should probably go to bed, i was supposed 2 go sleep like 2 hours ago cuz i have 2 get up and work the big 11-9 shift....yes i am insane...but i need money.... boo hoo. oh riiight so my friend came over and we watched *the grudge* yesterday.... i never realized how scarier movies were in theatres than they were at home.... okay end blog now....*sigh* wednesday come soooon please

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

i'm just gonna pass out now

Has anyone ever realized how some people are just blessed with good luck? Well, i just so happen to be not one of them. In fact i think i have so much bad luck it sometimes rubs onto others. Hence why i never wish friends good luck on tests/quizzes/or exams. If i ever wish you good luck on a means i dont like you. Well, the reason i'm saying this is today...(i guess not just today, but its the one i can remember most clearly). so today is the possibly one day that registration for spring/summer studio courses is possible, and you have 2 do that through the advisor. The doors open at 8AM and after my midnight-4am crash studying party, i couldn't drag myself outta bed to get there b4 the crowd. But my nice lovely friend grabbed me a waiting list form and dropped it off to me at 11ish. (number83 btw). so she was like...yeah the were on 60 when i left so if you go now you'll prolly b there just in time. so i like scrammbled outta bed n got dressed n grabbed all my stuff n made a mad dash to the FAB buidling, ran up 3 flights of stairs (not inlcuding the LRT) and slammed into the closed door of the admin office. It was 12 08...aka lunch break. i like collapsed on the floor n thought *SHIT, i got class to go to at 2 i gonna make it?!?!* so i looked around n found a list that said the waiting list numbers n approx. times they'd be seen. it said 61-70 @11 20-11 45... n i was like PHEW, that means at 1 ish they'll start at 71, and i'm sure i'll make it in b4 class starts. (btw the thought of skipping class had dawned on me, but it was review for the class b4 midterm, n i was still a bit lost of the midterm format so i decided not to skip) tra lala 1 hour passes...20 more mintues friggen 1:20 they opend the door and called...*60*.... MOFO 60?!?!? WHUT THE HELL DO THEY DO IN THERE RAPE THE KIDS?!??? gaaawd. so i slumped outta the chair and headed for hour early. i sat there and did some basic math and realized that by the time they got to my number i'd still be in class. n i was all arg-y... but i figured since it was only review, maybe my instructor would let us leave early, cuz she always did last sem.... WRONG. this is like the ONE time she kept us till 3 20 on the dot. i felt like dying. sooooo once again i made a mad dash up the 3 flights of steps and ran into the admin room to hear *number 93 please* I almost cried. so i like thrusted my #83 paper to the lady who so kindly let me go first, only to tell me that the 2 classes i wanted had been filled up, but told me to go on the waiting list. I went and put my name down and counted the ppl ahead of me. there were 8....*sob sob* The one day i decide to not be tardy i totally lose out on everything. But wait...theres more. So on the train ride home i took a breath n said dont be too upset cuz i'll end up ruining my whole day....aaand i felt a bit better. I got home n checked my mail to find a nice parcel shoved into our tiny breadbox mailbox...YAY my make up had finally come in. I like tore it open in the elevator, n dumped it all on the floor once i got in the house. My cousin's aquacolor stuff was in like perfect condition, but when i opened up my tin of pressed powder a small cloud of dust escaped 3 of the 5 pots had broken apart and jumbled themselves together to form a nice mush of mud....i could possibly have went into shock. but i didn't. i marched to the cpu n sent my ebay seller and email, and she (praise the lord) gave me a good deal back.... and then i went to work....where the vietnam lady called me stupid behind my back.... and that my friends is the end of the chapter for today.... i gotta crash now...some one read me a story please

Friday, February 11, 2005

why i oughta....

VREH. soo its 4pm and after finally falling asleep last night i awoke this afternoon to do some more researchy stuff. My cousin sent me an email that i dont quite understand cuz of improper grammer so i'll consult w/ her again. but as far as i understood she said. *dont do it* and that was pretty much it. sooo yeaaah that made me a little angry, but thats obvious when someone tells you not to do soemthing you want to. so then i went n looked up articles on the risk's of tongue piercings and that really didn't help that much either. ARG, call me biased, but seriously like half of those articles were more biased than me. *don't get it you'll get a disease, dont get it you'll die, dont get it you'll start WW3*....sure that could happen, if your piercer was a BLIND MAN who pierced you with a rusty KNIFE....i mean comeon. Okay like i do know that there is a chance that you can get an infection or something life threatening, but seriously put some stats up or soemthing. This one article made me even angrier cuz they said soemthing like, *getting a tongue piercing is like getting an operation. People who do tongue piercings are not trained and have the proper tools like dentists* um excuse me but whens the last time your dentist sat you down b4 some toothjob and told you the risks of what could happen. I read b4 that a guy lost permanent use of his tongue cuz the *professional* dentist put the anestesia in the wrong place. Yes yes i know that's a rare case, but personally i think a tongue piercing resulting in death is rare too. HAAAAR. boy this is like the first semi serious blog i've published before.... btw i'm not an airhead even though my blogs say so, i've usually got a good head on my shoulders and i do look at both sides before making a comment. and this side is the one i happened to take....because ah hell, i'm a young adolescent, who doensn't think a little pain is great?

Doodee doo doo

dwear mne, what have i gotten myself into this time? so i was surfing the web today (particularly ebay) seeing what interesting stuff i could find, but it went down for maintanence. so with a lack of stuff to look at i visited one of the sites that my cousin goes to regually. something like BME methinks. n i was *going to* look for the grotesque n bloody stuff cuz yeah baby i like feeling queazy (haha um no) but i stumbled upon the big piercing section n was just looking at the random weird stuff. then i made a mistake and went to....*sigh* the tongue piercing section. so right now, i've got my lobes pierced like a normal, and 1 cartilige (forget what the technical term is). and last year i got a tattoo for my birthday after like...3 years of wanting one and i remember talking w/ my friend about getting my tongue pierced. soo end flashback and here i am with that same adreniline-y nervous/happy butterflies in my stomache feeling...aaarg i really want my tongue pierced now. i was reading all the artilces in BME n like aaalll the ppl were happy w/ their tongue piercings. and i seen one picture of a guy w/ his tongue pierced n i fell in loooove with it....aaah this is NOT what your supposed to spend your work money on corinna. DEEEEEEEEEERG. if/when i go get one its prolly gonna be just a normal central tongue piercing, though the venom ones i seen looked pretty neato too.... arg what to do to do. if i'm gonna go get one i think i should go soon, or i'll eventually forget about it and put it off (like i did last year) not faaaaair.... im getting that super adreniline rush now. from experience, i'm not much of a pain feeler, but its just that rush feeling that you get...aaah dunno.... le sigh. damn you hot tongue piercing.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

新年快樂 Happy New Year!

Hihi peoples. So its 2AM and therefore Chinese New Year. sooo live long peace prosper, hahaa. Prolly a short msg today. just some random blurgle. Me, n my brother and iris went 2 Mirama for dinner today, and there menu was all in chinese, and me being the one who can't read had 2 order stuff. hahah the waitress lady just said some random stuff n i ordered the stuff taht i knew tasted good. yup yup. so that ended being, crispy chicken, stirfried choy, a tofu hot pot.... i wonder if its bad that i ordered a chicken on the eve of the new year of the Chicken.... sorry mister chicken god. Well tomorrow should be an interesting day. Work in the morning (everyone pray that I dont make another big super mistake(s)) bloob. I called my family today to say happy new year, and my mom told me taht i had 24$ left in my accoutn...daaaaamit.... and i'm losing like ~10 bucks a month to the bank for stupid fees...geez i should just keep all my money in a shoebox or something. and theres these weird charges for like $88,$72. amd $21 during the month of Nov. to something like 0086.... weird.... i dont know waht that is... i should go investigate.... Gonna go 2 Joey Tomatoes 2morrow prolly w/ my girlfriends, and brother to bring in the new year. haha so sad. but um... so i was talking 2 my cuz yesterday, n i brought up the subject of one of her friends who i used 2 really like cuz.... well i guess i did used to really like him. and i've been waiting a long time to get it off my chest. but um.... so i told her that i thought he was an big...meanie cuz he doens't come online to talk 2 me anymore. and cousin was like *well he's busy and his msn doenst work* n i said somethign like....WELL he could leave me a msg via email, phone, fucking a letter...soemthing rather than just dropping off the face of the earth..... siiigh, i'm sad now. i've liked a lot of guys b4, and most if not all of them either A) dont know i exist, or B) dont care that i do. and the ones who happen to like me back (or say they d0) have all, at one time, suddenly decided that they no longer like me anymore, and cease to see it necessary to tell me and just stop talking to me one day..... maaaan i do live a sad life.... but so yeah, cousin's friend was really nice and he seemed like he was really interested for awhile...HELL, when my asshole of a BF broke up w/ me he came online at like 3AM to hit on me (therefore cheering me up).... i fell asleep happy that night....ARG, bringing in the new year w/ anger does not bode well. i'm gonna go to sleep and dream about some imaginary hot man that i'll meet in the future.

Monday, February 07, 2005

i'm a normal peoples now

Hellow my fellow blog surfers, sooo it somehow magically got 2 be 2AM....i sjould be tired cuz i got up 2 hours b4 i needed 2 and couldnt' fall back asleep, then went 2 work from 11-9.... so yeaaah... then i came home and my brother suckered me into watchign the reast of Smallville...and .... *sigh* lex luthor...hahaha i think its his character... it must be, i've never thought hairless guys were hot b4. haha so but yeaah. speaking of lex luthor... i swear on my polka dot panties that i seen a guy who looks exaclty like michael rosenbaum at work 2day.... its prolly just me but i took like a quadruple take. yes he got creeped out, haha. but speaking of work.... Coggina Chow (boss' typo btw) is officially on the payroll again! i got my very first official official paycheck today! yay yay rejoice rejoice... haha yes ladies and gentlemen i amd 19, and this is technically my *first* job. but not really actually....maybe. i work at my familys restaurant when i'm in town, and i've been there for a good 6 years. so i'm not spoiled got it dood. hmm what else happened today.... i ordered i've been craving it like all this month. i had a rainbow roll and i borught home some tempura udon for my sick sick 24 year old brother, whom my mother called in behalf of 2 ask me (while i was at work) to buy some jello powder cuz he didn't have an appetite for solid foods.... haha and you think i'm spoilled... hahah i'm kidding my brothers cool, he buys smallville and lets me gawk at the hot man....mmm MOFO ITS 2 30!?!?? arg...okay i really gotta hop to bread now. bye bye

Friday, February 04, 2005

Back to Normal

Soooo i guess everything is back 2 normal now, my ocugh cough's are pretty much gone kinda..... theres this big kuffufin down the street from my place and like 100ave is all blocked off.... i want 2 snoop but i'm lazy and its cold out.... but but my brother bought Smallville season1 and thats all me and him have been watching at night time. i've started to relly like the lex luthor character. well not just the character but the actor himself (Michael Rosenbaum) mmmm who though bald guys could be hot. haha but yeah hes really pretty and i like his character. sometimes he reminds me of stevo from sum41, and someone else too but i just cant quite rmember. short msg today. i'm actually getting tired. might go 2 the studio to paint 2morrow. oil painting is so frustuerating. the paint doens't dry and it gets all over my clohtes....deeerg

Wednesday, February 02, 2005 this Hell??

I think i mighta actually asked my momma that once before.....or something close to it....but yes this week shurtainly is crazy....First of all i got sick...yes and i'm still all sore throaty....i wonder if its got somehting 2 do w/ work or maybe i'm allergic 2 soemthing there.... aaah i've worked there a week i'm sure i wont die. hmm....well i skipped couple calsses this week...but due to overtiredness i swear. and i'm bery much contemplating dropping my astro 122 class cuz, A) i dont need it B) its wasting money C) the content is relly boring..... so yeaaah withdrawl form here i come.... but oy oy, today was a hell work day...i tell ya i'm just not used to working japanese restaurants.... this man tried to *help* me move a table, which resulted in the soy sauce pot knocking over and it spilling onto his trench coat and jacket....*SNIFF SNIFF* i guess my boss is really nice though cuz he offered 2 pay for the mans dry cleaning bill, and after he told me that i was doing okay and not to worry....*siiiiiiiiiiigh* wat was really weird was one of the waitress' told me 2 smile more often cuz i was frowning....i *thought* that i was an all the time smily person but i guess now i know hahaha. but aside from all my mishaps the staff is still really really really nice to me, specially today. so yah yah everybody go and eat sushi at Downtown Kyoto, not only is the food relly good, its not that expensive and all the waitress' are smily happy people :D