Friday, December 27, 2013

Small Meltdown at Work

D: D: D:

Holy Hell that was FAST.

Ugh, gotta snap out of it, gotta snap out of it.

So... eyeball roll..... I went to send PBC a message, but decided to creep his fb once more. Asking for a sign. Direction. Guidance. Some stupid shit like that. I was looking and then then saw that he posted a lyric from a song that I have been listening to non-stop (Counting Stars by One Republic) and actually one of the lines that I wanted to post myself. So. I should've stopped there. No I should've stopped by not creeping his FB ! But of course. I didn't. I snooped even more. To the part where I saw a wall post from a girl. That read something like "you sound pretty awesome over text and are pretty easy on the eyes, hope to finally meet up on the weekend."

Heart Attack.

This really knocked the breath out of me :(
But why should it !! Obviously he's not interested in you and is therefore still out there looking duh.

Deep Breaths
Deep Breaths
Deep Breaths

Don't. Crash.

It's just a boy.
It's just a boy
It's just a boy.
It's just a boy.

Don't. Crash.

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