Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Daily Dish

There is never enough time in the day to accomplish what I want.

But I guess I got most of what I wanted done.... most of.....  Kept busy most of the day today..... Took a floor nap, cleaned up the home a bit, vacuumed, did the dishes, cooked dinner, baked cookies, and drew. Minus the cleaning it was all stuff that made me happy. Or at least kept my mind off things. Lets up I keep it up.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh. D:
I just got a tremendous urge to creep you-know-who's FB page.
Doooooooooon't dooooooooo it ~~~~~~~~

Sleepy-Tired. Still feeling pretty happy today and trying to keep it up. This whole listening to music while I work thing is doing wonders. Listen to music everywhere, every time, while doing everything. I wish I had knew to do this sooner.

Alas. I did have some invisible conversations with myself today :|
Had a few racing heart moments at work, wasn't sure why. Probably just over thinking stuff. Anyhow. I was thinking about Ponyboy today. Probably, mostly certain because I'm doing that stupid crush-ing thing on him, buuuuut. From what I initially felt from him.... I feel like we could be the same person. I remember saying that to him once before too. Sometimes I feel like I am talking to an alternate dimension, cooler version of myself. And I did. I imagined we would have gotten along very well had he (again I repeat) taken the time to get to know me. But that was my expectation and probably my downfall. We had nothing in common. Just similar observations on life. And being geeky. No hobbies though..... But I would loved to have learned how to drive standard, and finally sit on a motorbike.....Sigh, I think I was attracted to him because he lived the lifestyle I wanted. So happy, so outgoing, so fun. Surrounded constantly by people who wanted to be around him..... Always smiling....

*shakes head quickly*

Quit it.
Do you remember what your goal was yesterday? Find your energy back and be the happy person that he should have tried harder on. Exude Confidence. Dance like Nobody's Watching. Set your goals and reach them. Draft the Hoodie. Fix up the Condo. Make your Hsien-ko Costume. Buy a Car.

You can do it so do it.

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