Monday, December 23, 2013

Bad bad news


Not really bad news. I just know eventually it will be.
So. It's another slow day at work and I've been reading over my blog entries and basically backtracking. Re-reading and I'm thinking to myself..... I don't think I should message Ponyboy should I...... Why would I? What do I think is going to happen. I obviously have some intent.... No good ever comes from intent! I dunno. I'm sure I'm just thinking he would see me differently now.... Not like he made much attempt previously..... *sad face*.

Heart, why are you so stubborn and hard to convince !

Anyways, aside from stupid high school boy drama...... My parents are in town :) I was actually excited to hear they were coming out when my mom called me on Saturday. Gave my mom a big hug when I saw her. Something I haven't done (willingly) in about 2 years. I was pretty happy to see them. Also something that hasn't happened in 2 years. Not that previously I didn't want to see them.... I just that time I felt it just made no difference...... But nope. Happy they are in town. I bought them dinner theatre tickets for Friday Date Night. Hope they enjoy it ! I feel like they probably haven't had a fancy date night with just the 2 of them in a long, long time.
Also kind of excited to do some Boxing Day Shopping. C needs some Almond Lotion from the Body Shop !!! I get the feeling I'm going to get a lot of jewelry for Christmas this year. My mom and Aunt both called me asking for my ring size. Hahaha. I feel bad though. I shouldn'tve told my mom I wanted an Opal Ring and just said to get a down filled comforter. Honestly that is what actually wanted. That and a Cuisine Art Stand Mixer in Pink... *squeal*

Har har. Anyways, I have some gossip for you guys.
So... I'm not sure if I ever mentioned it before or not.....buuuut while I was dating Dave, he kind of made it a big deal that his friends were his friends, and if we broke up it wouldn't be cool if I continued hanging out with his friends. Understandable, sure sure. The thing that got me the most was that after we broke up, it wasn't okay for me to hang out with his friends, but it was alright for him to hang out with my friends. So basically after that I kind of stopped hanging out with certain "friends" of mine because they would rather hang out with my ex's friends. Yeah. Considering how my heart was the one that got crushed, while he went out to party the next night. And then how some of his friends ignored me. I thought I got the short end of the stick when I found out my friends were hanging out with his friends when I was going into total depression mode. It just made me massive upset that I was the one who introduced the circles to each other and then I got booted out. I suppose to some readers it might sound like a lot of whining on my end or that I deserved it. But.... I honestly don't think I did. So... that's why it hurt so much.
Aaaaaanyhow. Back on topic. Shortly before Dave and I broke up one of my friends started dating one of his friends. Like a week or two after she broke up with her bf of 2,3 years. His friends actually someone devised a plan to break them up, although I do suppose the break-up was inevitable, but they sure helped instigate it. So, there was a break-up followed by a hook-up.
I just found out the other day that another one of my former friends broke up with her bf of 2 years, and (need to confirm) may or may not be seeing another one of Dave's friends ?!!! Double You, Tee, Aitch, Right!! I dunno, maybe I'm being a jerk and maybe his friends are all awesome and that I really lost out when I left that group but... Sometimes I think I wish I never met them. All for One and All for One. I suppose I'm only hearing bits of the story through gossip so I'm sure I don't have the story straight but whatever happened must not have been good... They're not even FB friends anymore.... And under my speculation, knowing the group of friends. Shit probably got stirred up.


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