Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Thoughts on anime

I'm writing this post a night after just finishing watching Fullmetal Alchemist Conqueror of Shambala. In the beginning when my brother first started watching the FMA series I'll have to say that i wasn't that interested it it. For some reason i thought that it was really childish and couldn't quite get that into the series. So i never watched every single episode and would only sit through a few every so often when my brother would put them in during dinner. On Sunday my brother put in the last and final DVD. I managed to catch the very last 10 mintues of the series finale. And i'll say that I didn't really like it. I always like series to end w/ good endings. You know, everyone is back together the sun is shining down and everyone is just plain happy. This ending I thought was really sad. It was really sad seeing that Edward and Alphonse could never be together and complete at the same time. And the fact that Al lost his memories of the past 4 years was pretty sad too. And THEN, the fact that Ed was still alive in an alternate dimension and unable to use alchemy I thought that was really REALLY depressing. But I saw the commercial for the FMA movie and i thought that there would be more resolution in the movie and it would have a happier ending. I watched it yesterday and I thought it was even more depressing. Ed spent 2 years in that alternate world and everyday he tried to get back to his real world. Knowing that for 2 years he couldn't use alchemy was pretty sad too. And then, he was finally able to get back to his world, only to see everyone he cared for and all his friends, just to leave them in like.... 30mintues. After the movie was over and i went to sleep. I woke up a few hours later and i couldn't fall back to sleep cuz i was thinking of the outcome. I felt really really bad for Winry because she was probably waiting for him to come back (for 2 years) and she seen him for like.... 10 mintues. And then he left again w/o saying good bye. I mean i know if he could have said goodbye he probably would have, but it was still pretty heart wrenching. Some of the scenes I also thought were really moving. Like the scene where Al first found his brother again after attatching part of his soul to that suit of armor. And when his soul started to detatch itself and how Ed got really sad because it meant he was going to be alone again, I think i actually got a lump in my throat. Overall there were a lot of things that people did in the movie that I dont know if i'd have the strength to do, if it were me. Like Ed making the choice to go back alone to the alternate world. I thought all night about if that were me, how would i feel after i went back and realized all that I had given up. All my friends, and (at the time) my only family, and all my powers. And never being able to go back to my real home world. It's really really depressing. Especially considered the fact that Ed never got to say goodbye to anyone, that really tore me up. Hhaha no i didn't cry but i did get pretty sad. I was hoping that the movie would have wrapped things up a lot happier. And i guess even thought Ed isn't alone anymore, its still pretty sad. I always get pretty sad when an anime/ manga is finally completed because its like the characters immediately die after that, since we no longer get to follow them on a journey. Sigh so sad.
I thought it was pretty interesting to note that I can get so caught up on anime movies/series too. Because you always hear a lot of critics say stuff like, anime is for kids/ its not deep enough. But personally i feel i can get equally (if not more) emotional watching/reading a good anime when compared to watching a regular non-anime movie. I'd also like to say that i take back my original original belief in that FMA was too childish and uninteresting, having watched the movie and realizing how sad it made me. I'm a nerd but...thanks.

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