Friday, October 06, 2006

I would make an 'Excellent' stalker....

This is especially true, as i am good at being nosy w/o people knowing, and i'm also very very perseptive. (Perseptive enough to know that i have spelled perseptive wrong). But anyways, something out of the blue happened today. I seen a lot of goodlooking guys come in today. (Hahaha, yes, that is the only thing that i look forward to at work.) It was a wide variety of gentlemen today, some in their dashingly handsome suit and ties, and some in the rough sax-y casual clothes and stubble. (mmm stubble). But yes, anyways, so today after I printed out my report and started cashing out when these 2 guys came in to place take outs. And both of them were pretty good looking, but the 2nd guy, he was extra pretty. Not like. pretty-boy, pretty. He was, I-could-probably-beat-someone-up-if-I-had-to, pretty. But anyways, after i cashed out I walked over 2 save-ons to buy some milk. And i was like, 'Ooooh, maybe if i'm quick I can catch the guy leaving kyoto. (and do what? I dont know) Hohoho, so i went and bought milk, and while i was walking across the save on parking lot I seen him drive out to Jasper Ave, and i was like 'Noooo, if only i had been 30 seconds faster'. Hahah so then, i dejectedly crossed Jasper and walked back home. However, (this is something you only every hear on soap opera's or novels, but it really did happen) when i got home and buzzed myself in, i took a quick glimpse behind me cuz i saw someone approaching. And who do you think it is? But the good looking man himself. Hohoh, how extremely bizarre. So yeah... hows that for coincedence eh? Hahaha, but I'd guess that hes probably visiting his lady friend w/ sushi, since he came in from the main entrance. (see that stalker instinct? hahah) ....*sigh*

Another thing I want to mention is how i've really really bean craving to go to New York again lately. I've been day dreaming about going back to all those stores that i went to, and also going to the stores that i didn't get to go into. *siiigh* why am i so poor? I'll ask Jess and Ling and Iris, because if i do make plans to go it will be in summer 2008, after i graduate. That should give them enough time to save up a good chunk of moolah eh?

Oh cruel world. How i wish i were rich and married....

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