Friday, October 20, 2006

Embarassing Story #2

Hey ya'll, I have a quick story to tell everybody before i go to sleep. I thought it was pretty embarassing even though nobody saw me. So anyways. Yesterday (wednesday the 18) I stayed all day on campus from 10-10. I dont know why but i just did. I was extremely tired after i got home and my back was killing me. (i had to sit through a 3 hour boring movie for FS horrible) But anyways after i ate supper i decided to take a 'bath'. I never take baths, and the fact that i wanted to shows how sore i was. So i drew myself a bath and sat inside the steamy water for like an hour or soemthing. haha. and then after my bath i unplugged the tub and turned on the shower to rinse off. (skin soup anybody) And i guess because i had been sitting down for so long, and suddenly got up i got a little bit lightheaded. So i just closed my eyes and put my hand on the tile wall to steady myself. Well, apparently, during the 5 seconds i closed my eyes i somehow managed to fall asleep. Yes ladies and gentlemen i fell asleep while standing up. I was so embarassed. Hahaha because i could actually feel myself tipping over and yet my eyes did not open. my brain even said *hey, are tipping over... wake up* But wake up, i did not. In fact, the only reason my eyes opened was because my knee hit the faucet. hahaha i recal as i was falling i said aloud *oh no, what am i dont* hahahaha. But so yeah. thats my story. If you really really think about it.... its quite hilarious.
PS. super good looking gangster man came in today. And the 'hot chick' is Karen.... for anybody who cares. I was dashed :( hahah but not really. Any hoo gotta go. Later

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