Sunday, October 08, 2006

the past 3 days....

....have been interesting.
But before i comment on the above, i just want to make a little note. My mom left for HK yesterday at 7 30 to visit my grandma who recently broke her pelvic bone. I really would have liked to go back to HK cuz i haven't went back in like 7 years (and seen my gramma in the equal amount of time) But so my mom went back for 2 months. I was kinda sad, but i'm not really sure why. Like she'll be back in December and stuff, but i was still pretty sad. I didn't tell anyone cuz I thought it was pretty stupid to be sad. So yeah, thats the sad stuff for this entry.
But, i've had an interest past 3 days. Of course in realitly when you read about it, it will undoubtedly sound like a regular 3 days to anyone in their sane mind. I had some interesting encounters w/ some good looking guys recently. On Thursday (Read oct.5ths entry) i bumped into the guy who had just finished ordered take out at kyoto in my apartment complex 5 mintues after me and him both left kyoto. On Friday i seen L's supah gangsta friend. Hes pretty too. He looks like he could be a skateboard clothing company model. But he told L a while back ago that one of our servers is really hot. And when he came up to pay that day L asked me who it could be, and the guy seemed a bit embarrased saying something like 'well dont go telling everyone now.' (L asked him who it was and he said he didn't know her name, and then she asked what color uniform she wore, and he said he didn't know and then he said *OH, i know she wears black pants!* I laughed really hard when i heard that) But so yeah, hes polite too, and thats nice. I noticed that whenever i'm around and L asks him about the hot server he doens't say much about 'her'. Soo.....maybe .....hehehe naw in my dreams. Todays encounter was just a really smal miniscule one. But i still made note cuz the guy was really pretty. After work when i was waiting to cross Jasper Ave, these 2 guys where walking down Jasper passed me. And i looked at one of them as they walked in front of me and out of habit i smiled at him. He looked at me and give me the prettiest guy smile i've seen in a long time. *siiiiigh* i'm so lonely. i told ling to make me a lifesized gingerbread man. Hahaha well....thats my 'past 3 days'. For a single girl who doesn't get hit on ever, thats pretty special. hahah such a nerd.

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