Saturday, October 21, 2006

so schweaty....

Hohoh i just popped out from another bath, this one was more successful than the previous one i attempted to take. hahaha. Another super quicky today. So i seen all of my 'favorite' customers today. Hohoho (and by favorite i mean good looking) Tee hee. This week wasn't as dreamy as last week though. *siiigh* It was quite the opposite actually.... well i guess not the *complete* opposite...but yeaah. As i mentioned yesterday, super gangster man came in. I was a bit sad because his super hot chick is Karen. hahah ooooh well. I thought it was funny cuz when K walked by he did a double take. i laughed...then i cried. haha but not really. i also seen i actually seen BOTH the guys from 2 weeks ago that i commented about. The one who followed me home and the other guy who was sitting next to him. Coincedence? Maybe they are secret lovers HOHOHO. Hahaha, yvan you are a super scruffy man. You look like you just came back from the wilderness. HOHOH. and i beleve your name is ben, ....well your just pretty. Hhaha BUT. main reason for entry today... well actually not really, so dont get so hung up over yourself. Hahah i seen bob today. Because everybody has a secret name on this blog, and bob is bob's secret name i'll just stick to calling you bob. But, so i seen bob today! I haven't seen him in like 3 months. (same w/ sal, i think i scared him away when i recognized his voice over the phone, haha but YOU TOO, dont get so hung up, i recognize a lot of ppls voices over the phone, especially if they order the same thing, i recognize cynthia, elizabeth, shawn/amanda, george, and that tyler guy) But anyways, so yeah, bob looks the same. Tee hee, super cute big smile. AND one thing i noticed while passing by and cautiously looking at him.... he has a tattoo! I was actually REALLY surpised w/ that one. I dont know why, either cuz i never noticed it before, but prolly more so that i would not expect him to have a tattoo. He doens't look like the type of guy to have a tattoo... But now that i know you are the type of guy to have a tattoo.... oh boy, my opinions of you have changed. ; ) Harg, i think i am drunk from those 3 capfuls of bubble bath i soaked in. So i should probably go.... yeaah. hahah. Sleeeeep.

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