Monday, October 02, 2006

Feelin' Horrible

Today was a really really grumpy day for me. I absolutely did not want to go to work today. And I shouldn't have either. I'm scheduled to work Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings ( ~20hours/week). I complained to my boss several weeks ago that its to many shifts and that i need at least a full day off to read and do all my homework. I was expecting that he'd give me Sunday off. And that he did. In exchange I now work all-day on Saturday. So basically, nothing has changed, i still work ~20hours/week. And then, last week after the new schedule was put up, T (the hostess who i loathe w/ a passion because she is lazy and doesn't pick up her after her fucking self) asked me to switch shifts w/ her (a-fucking-gain). She told me that she was doing a fundraiser walk, and i was like, sure whatever. Assuming that the walk must have been mid-day or during her actual shift. So anyways. I went in to work today and went to look at the new schedule. And my boss finally hired a new hostess. BUT rather than taking ANY ONE of my shifts, my boss gave her TWO of T's shifts. I was so fucking pissed off because I had asked first, and i think that I honestly needed the break more. So that was right at 11AM when i started work. and at 11:10 T and who i assume to be her bf came in, and ate lunch having just finished their fundraiser walk. I was so pissed off. This has NOT been the first time where shes asked me to work for her because shes sick, or something comes up, and an hour later her and her whole family will come in and eat supper. I get so fucking pissed off when i see her. And then she fucking said. *OH did you see the new schedule? Henry hired a new hostess, now i have less shifts!!* I walked away right when she said that cuz honestly if i didn't i think i wouldve punched her in the face. I was pissed off for the rest of the day. And i didn't say anything to anyone (minus normal customer banter) for a good 5 hours. So moody. I almost cried, i almost walked off, i almost wanted to beat someone up. So fucking unfair. I'd like to think that i'm a good hostess. I'm fast, I've never missed a shift before, I help everybody, I do stuff that people ask me to do, and I do stuff that people dont ask me to do but appreciate it. Today I felt like i was just being taken advantage of because i'm such a push-over. Fuck, T ALWAYS calls in like 10 minutes before her shift and asks me to work for her, and usually i do because i need money, and then she'll come in and eat w/ her family all happy and frollic-y while i'm fucking tired and gumpy from working 11 hours straight w/ no warning. She always leaves her garbage around the hostess stand (and INSIDE the fucking drawers) and i have to clean it up. She never finishes the floor plan at the end of the shift and i finish it for her. Fuck, like last week when i came in at 5 to work (and she was working lunch) almost all the tables were still dirty and she was just sitting there. So I started cleaning up the tables because there were a lot of reservations coming in. She finally started helping after i picked up majority of them. And then I went to clean the table cloths, and one of the kitchen prep workers asked me to change the toilet AND hand paper. i was like *fuck how do both of them run out right when i start? They DONT, thats how* so i was like. "Ask T to change it, i'm busy." and the kitchen prep worker said, "T told me to tell you to change it." Fuck sakes. (I'm really angry now if you cannot tell by my swearing frenzy) What the hell was SHE doing that made her so busy. (she was cashing out btw). So i told my boss today when i seen him. "I'm not working all day on Saturday. You hired a new hostess, why dont you give her a shift." i forget what he said. but i thought 2 myself if he told me to work it i'd tell him right there that i quit. I was that pissed off. And then after work while i was tired and angry and sore, i cried and i walked home.

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