Friday, January 27, 2006

good morning

i dont think i've ever written a post earlier than midnight before. huck-guck-guck-guck. Well anyhoo, i just wanted 2 write about this creepily weird dream i had this morning. I dreamt that there was this murderer going around targeting students from my graduating school year. Me and my 2 friends were trying 2 catch the murderer and we eventually did. Then the 3 of us went 2 my house 2 celebrate for a bit and then friend 1 said she had 2 go home to do something. Friend 2 said she was going to visit her later. And then it was just the 2 of us and we talked about how long it had been since the 3 of us got together (because we drifted apart in uni) and then friend 2 went 2 leave but she turne around and said somthing like *keep an eye out for ___ she seems kinda unstable, i'm worried she might do soemthing to herself* and then she left. and i was like ....*whaaa* because she has never worried about my other firned before. And then i noticed she left her bag at my place and i since i couldn't shake that ominous feeling off i ....i snooped. I eventually found this list in her bag and it had all of the names of the ppl that had been killed and they were all crossed off except for one last name at the bottom, and it was the name of my friend who she was going to visit. Dun dun dun. pretty creepy eh. (oh in case you guys didn't get it, friend 2 is supposed 2 be the real killer....i think i missed some details hahah)

1 comment:

Omochi said...

Creepy dude, are you trying to tell me that we're going to die?