Friday, January 13, 2006

hi everybody

i'm doctor nick riviera. hahah no actually i'm not. it's really just corinna. haha. Real quicky tonight. Its super ....well not *super* late, but its getting there, and i still have class 2morrow. i JUST finished watching the Naruto Snow Princess movie, and i'll have to say, of all the anime movies i've ever watched before this one tops them all. (of course i haven't watched all that many....) but i think its still pretty good. The story line wasn't really what i was expecting and i kinda was hoping for more info on kakashi and when he was an ANBU.... but ah well. The animation was eggsalent. Every scene i think was gorgeously done. Theres very few anime's where i find the animation nicely done and consistant.... Oh i just looked at my stash of anime movies hahah, and i forgot about the finale to CCS. I think that *that* one was a really good story. hahaha i'm a sucker for romance. But back to naruto, though i still wish that they'd do some more like....tricks and stuff, because the first season i got hooked on because i never knew what to expect and there were so many twists. I haven't really caught anything that totally wacks me out yet.... hahah boy i'm such a critic. Anyways, i really should be going to sleep. When i have time i'll catch up some more details. Ohohoh PS. i still am super intent on doing anbu kakashi for animethon! hohoh my anbu mask is *slowly* coming along (notice how i emphasize slowly) hahah but its still su-pah fun. Yahooo, hoo-ray for naruto, hoo-ray for sasuke, hoo-ray for kakashi !

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