Saturday, January 21, 2006


Spelunk is quite a funny word isn't it? i certainly think its a funny word. Hohum, I was starting to write our groups report on *flywheels* when i realized that i haven't written a paper in over 2 years. I think i've lost my touch....or it could be due to the fact that i'm writing about flywheels rather that something i'm more passionate about.... like english papers and soc. papers.... le sigh. i finally got my own copy of pride & prejudice. In highschool that was my favorite novel, haha because i'm such a romantic. Um... oh and i will say that today, i have given up on trying 2 get my xmas present ipod to work. I've tried all that i can think of to get it to work and to no avail. I'm left to believe that the one and only ipod my brothers chose was a defect. *sigh* Ho hum what else. Oh haha i didn't really have anything to say today except that 'im trying to be more 'healthy' It has something to do w/ something that happened when i was back home in fort mac but its kind of a long story and i'm not very proud of it (nothing embarssing like breaking a bus bench) But all aside, yes. I'm trying 2 be more healthy, im hoping my infamous will power will get me out of this jam. bloog. My friend lent me a *fate for 2006* book and it said that i have 2 watch out for my health and that i will have gastrointestinal problems.... i dont even really know what that is but i dont want it. hahah. So yeaaaah. eating healthy! i dont *think* i've had any chocolate (knowingly anyways) since i came back from fort mac. shocking. Hohoho, i'm getting excited for NY, and a little nervous about money and other things. but still exciting! oooh and i'm looking forward to the chinese new year banquet that me and my buds are going to. yeehaw. I haven't gotten together w/ all my friends since my birthday. Speaking of friends i haven't seen iris in awhile. I feel kinda bad but i feel awkward when her mom's around. Not to mention her new place i still dont really know how to get to yet and is quite a ways away from the lrt station....(i'm so lazy) But anothing thing too....i went 2 look at her blog pages again, and it really pains me to read one of her pages that she has. Her recent entry was about her sister and how she doesn't help around the house w/ chores and doenst pay for anything. Sigh i dont know what to do. I want 2 send an anonymous email to ling w/ the link but i'm not sure what that might lead to. Dwear mne, i've seen so many tv shows about friends knowing they're friend suffers from depression or something and they never tell anyone and in the end something terrible happens. Blarg, i dont know why but i keep hoping that it'll eventually boil over and she'll be fine.... aaaarg, i hope i dont end up being sorry in the end. I just hope that iris eventually gets out of this rut and starts looking on the bright side of things.

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