Sunday, January 22, 2006

hullo hullo

aaah me and my brothers were *winter* cleaning today. boy boy. I found my old diary and was reading the lasty 20 or so entries. hahah i was a creepy 17 year old wasn't i? Hahah, i wrote a lot about craig too.... amongst other boys....hoy i do have bad relationships. Craig was a jerk, charles was a jerk and mitch...boy now that i think about it mitch was a jerk too. What kind of boyfriend calls up his girlfriend after not seeing her for a week and falls asleep while she's talking to him? an asshole thats who. I'm an idiot for putting up with it too. if i ever stop being single i swear to gud that i wont take that shit no more. Boy george. Weee chinese new year is coming up soon. I realised just now that i didn't make any new year resolutions yet.... hmm.... maybe i'll put a few down here....well, um, i resolve to....try to speak up more in class, um.... lose weight (or at least eat healthier)...and um i guess thats about it. I learned to not make too many resolutions or you'll never keep up with them. I was just thinking about how i haven't drawn or painted anything in a really long time.... since summer school i think. I really miss it. I want to use up that once canvas i made last year and see what i can paint up. Especially remembering how my painting style changed during our last project in 310. egads so little time, so much to do. weeeeell i think i'm going to sleep now, i'm actually pretty tired tonight.

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