Saturday, January 28, 2006

Oh internet how i loathe you

I do loathe you internet. You always make me procrastinate and i find out things i shouldn't on you.... boo urns. Arg, i should've went 2 sleep like 5 hours ago. dammit. today was productive but i did stuff that didn't need to be done. I organized all the songs on my cpu. I also realized that...i like writing lists. I always write lists for everything and it makes me feel organized and happy. haha i'm weird. I spent like....2 hours on this translator site because it kept on translating english words to chinese or japanese to english. Its quite funny because the grammar is horribly wrong. I also looked up types of depression to see what kind that i might have had when i was young. dysthia one or osmthing? aaah dunno....Ugh. I actually have quite a long blog 2 post but i think i'm going to save it for 2morrow. Note to self. reminder for gross day and sushi time. hahah gross gross and funny. But. anyhow i just felt a little pang of saddness because i read spoilers for naruto. Its actually really really REALLY sad. Basically, team 7 (which for those who dont know is naruto, sasuke and sakura and they were really polar opposites i think but eventually they became best friends/rivals) and apparently right now Team 7 has just split up. and i dont mean like *boo-urns your not my friend anymore* they've *split up* like naruto went on a 3 year training thing w/ guy A to city A and sakura went dido w/ guy B to city B. Sasuke....oh sasuke, he (as they say) turned his back on konoha village and went 2 look for this other guy who promised him power. Naruto chases him down to try and talk some sense into him and they both start fighting. And apparetnly sasuke can become much stronger and gain a special abbility if he is able 2 kill his best friend (its such a long story). But him and Naruto pull out their best moves that will obviously kill the weaker one. At the last possible moment naruto stops his move to see if sasuke will really kill him and sasuke does the same thing but instead punches Naruto. He then leaves Naruto to find his new master. Team 7's sensei finally finds the Naruto who is unconscious and holding Sasuke's hitai-ate headband w/ a scratch across the leaf crest, 'symbolizing his betrayal'. It then says 2 years pass....TWO YEARS?? OH MY GOD. and then naruto and sakura meet up again, but sasuke is still nowhere to be seen. And apparently that is how far the anime is right now...The real kicker is how behind i am. I dont even think team 7 has officially passed entrance exams yet. I dont even wanna think about how long its going to take the manga to catch up.... oh SOB SOB. why are you so cruel to me world.....

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