Monday, January 23, 2006


....3 posts 3 days in a row, i must be sick....but in reality i find these consecutive posts quite boring because lets face it, how much interesting stuff can happen 2 corinna in 3 days? not very, is the answer. But i was once again feeling bored. I hope i dont blank out doing my mandarin skit 2morrow, boy boy have i ever mentioned how much i hate doing oral presentations? ....and yet the strange thing is, at work i have no problem walking up to complete strangers and making friendly witty banter....i wonder if its some kind of handicap i Welp aside from trying 2 remember my lines, i also just finished writting 1/3 of our design paper.... dwear mne i hope its okay. I'm kinda on that verge of not knowing whats going on right now and i've felt that way for the past 30 mintues of writing so i dont know how the paper sounds. I'll look over it again 2morrow and see if i make sense. haha. um....what else. Welp i'm trying 2 save up some spending cash for myslef when i go to NY. I think i should start planning out a simple budget and decideing what to pack... i always start packing like 2 weeks in advance anytime i go anywhere. but aside from that.... does anyone ever find that they never seem to have enought time to do all the stuff they want 2 do? i really want 2 start on my animethon costume, but well lets face it, i'm a slacker, and when i do find i have time i'm usually scrambling to get homework or something done that should have been done several days ago.... bah humbug. Weeeell i think this blog looks about average size so i should prolly punch the bag (get it, mwa mwa....*sigh* wonder i'm single) oh wildest thing happened today....i got a free paint set w/ my qtips. WHOA
PS. i forgot to write last week, Happy First Year Anniversary Corinna's Blog Page!

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