Monday, November 14, 2005


why oh why. i dont know. hahaha. boy boy, many ppls birthdays are coming up again. ho hum. hehehe but the maaain reason i'm writing this blog tonight. is...hohoh you prolly know, its in regards 2 bento c man. hahaha gossip gossip time ladies and gentlemen. so me and sherry we alwasy gossip about him when he comes in to eat lunch on thursdays (oh about how good looking he is, and how something something) and last last thursday, we were talking about him and just as we finished he walked in through the door. and the bumbling elementary school girls we appeared to be we started giggling really hard. and he asked us what was wrong and then sherry said that we were just gossiping about him...hahah yeaaah *smooooth aren't we* hahah and THEN. this week, sherry told me that he hasn't shown up for the whole week. (this is the same guy whos ordered the same thing almost every day of the year for 4 years we're talking about) and we were like *uh oh, do you think he got creeped out because we were talking about him* hahah so then jen and us decided 2 go and eat at joey's on friday (no not just cuz of bento c man, but for numerous other reasons....that i cannot remember) har. sooo friday night rolls around and me and the girls and guys go 2 joey's at 11 30. and low and behold who is there? whoo ha whooo. yeaaah he looked pretty good in his pink dress shirt and glasses. But everybody knows i have a weakness for well dressed men... hoho put em in a tie and good smelling cologne and i prolly wouldn've passed out. hahah sherry was pretty happy. yeah her food was gross and missing stuff but she was still pretty happy. and basically the 6 of us sat at the restaurant and talked about bento c man. hahahah it was great. we all debated upon whether or not he could be gay or not. Today i went 2 work and brian told me that him and sherry were flirting on saturday. OHhohoho. hahah. Its good 2 know that we didn't scare him off, hahaha. Le siiigh. The idea came up once again that my bad luck in relationships could be contagious. (Depending on how much i see someone.) All the examples i can think of involving break ups. When kat and i were still good buddies she had 0 bf's that lasted longer than like 2 weeks, ditto w/ cathy, and iris has never had one. Stephen from work broke up w/ his 6month girlfriend, and couple days ago Eric also broke up with his almost a year girlfriend, and i think Tracy broke up w/ her bf too. However, after i stop being close friends the bad luck rubs off completely. Kat now has like...a steady 2 year boyfriend, and Cathy recen....well last month she met a guy and they seem 2 be hitting it off well..... sigh i dont want to be bad luck relationship girl....poooh.

1 comment:

Omochi said...

Creepy Corinna, now we know what happens to frequent patrons. Ohohoh, I say single power. Who needs a man? I like being single. Means we can go roof hopping without them nagging us.