Sunday, March 27, 2005


AAAARGH, SERIOUSLY WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE THESE DAYS. My god. Come on world, how come you gotta be so mean to me. First off all my *long weekends* are fucking useless ESPECIALLY if i gotta work them all. Damn you fucking Goldie, took all the days off and gave me all her shifts till she gets mother fucking back from her nice holiday. I can't even fucking go shopping for fucks sake cuz i got THE shittiest shifts ever. ARG. AND THEN my mofo stupid DICK SHIT of a brother starts like flipping out on me....well ACTUALLY he was flipping on out my older brother who's out here in edmonton with me. Basically calling him useless and a mooch. n he was complaining that we use his car too much and that we take it on joy rides. FOR THE LOVE OF FUCKING GOD i'm fucking sorry if we need food to live and if that is an inconvenience to you. So then he tells me that its not fair taht he has to pay for tune ups and insurance and all that crap. n i'm like FUCK YOU ASSHOLE man its your OWN fault for leaving the car out here and you staying up in fort mac molting. You could come back if you wanted to but nooo stay it is. and BULLSHIT on that whole paying the insurance part, i mean you paid for it either way. If we didn't drive your fucking car it'd be out here doing fuck shit anyways. So he wants us to send him up his car keys, which is fine by me because i've managed on my own w/o a car this long i'm sure i can again. A car is a luxury sure, and its nice to have around but i dont fucking need it. call me an asshole i seriously dont give 2 shits right now. But 2 can play this game. Personally i'd consider myself to be the most favored child of us 3, mostly cuz i'm the youngest, the only girl (evil snicker) the *happiest* and maybe the most independant. So my parents probably secretly worry about me the most and when i have a problem they really worry. So being out here *on my own* must give them nightmares. But they breath a sigh of relief knowing that i have a nice reliable car to help me travel halfway across town to retrieve our weekly rations (which i also pay for). I'd love to see the glares they give Terence (who is living w/ them btw) when i send them the keys back w/ a nice loving note saying *Terence's car keys, because he doesn't want us to drive his car anymore* Thats waht you get for being such a greedy bastard. Send your hate mail I dont care. If i was up in rich city making shit loads of money I wouldn't care if my brothers drove my car around once a week to get food. Seriously if he honestly wants to leave fort mcmurray i dont see why he doesn't. I know the restaurant is having some ridiculously stupid family bickerings but if he left, i'm sure they'd friggen force those stupid differences aside and make up. If not just close the damn restaurant down, from what i hear everyones sick and tired of it anyways. My rant for the day, sincerely Corinna-pissed off-Chow

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

you know you're bored when....

you go on ebay and look up used underwear....*le sigh*. hahah who knew that KitKat had so many flavors?? gaawd i want to buy all the flavors i see just so i can start a collection or something. I was on ebay and i seen strawberry,cappachino, white lemon yogurt, green tea, orange, blood orange, friggen christmas pudding...and they all come in pretty colors.... siiiigh. welp today was an interesting day. I woke up earlier than usual and went *grocery* shopping w/ my brother, only we didnt make it and went 2 walmart and toys r us instead. haha i bought a pair of shoes, and then some easter chocolate for my friends. Painting class was okay today, we're doing reproduction today and i WAS gonna do johannes vermeer's *girl w/ a pearl earring* but the other girl did n i was like, aaaah i dont want 2 compete. So even though i really really really liked that one, i sighed and went with my 2nd choice of jan van eyke's *man w/ a red turban* the colors arent as vivid...wut the heck man w/ the exception of red there are like no colors...haha but i guess its okay. that turban will take me like the whole time i bet, but thats okay, as ppl tell me i seem to have a knack for painting cloth. Em what else, oh i know, right after i left the studio i seen the sushi chef from work outside waiting for a bus...which sushi chef?? shaaadup you know who. hahah....maan i'm craving junk food. mcDAMMIT i shoulda brought my painting home, i was actually in a pretty good mood considering a stayed liek an hour more. hah

Monday, March 21, 2005


aaah, nothing like slaving 2 hours in the morning to get your brother tickets to a event for his birthday only to be told later by him that he doesn't want them. *siiigh*. well today i just feel like rambling on about some useless stuff, nothing really to rant and rave about....except that my wisdom teeth have decided to start resurfacing at the same time. So yes my jaw does feel like its being pried apart. *ow* At work today i flicked ginger in my eye. it burnt. Its ironicly funny i think how i had originally gotten a job to work the afternoons so that i wouldn't be wasting them away. but magically somehow i no longer work the afternoons and instead work the busiest evenings. Its crazy i tell ya..OOH OOH especially yesterday. these damn assholes came in frolicking around like they owned the place. i felt so bad for the waitress who served them. Poor girl. welp. I think i might be alergic to surgical steel. I changed my barbells a week or 2 ago and like my tongue started to hurt again, so i put back in the original piercing one and it went back to normal. DAAAMIT. ps, who knew that rice absorbed flavors? i sure as hell didn't. Yesterday i had 2 pieces of leftover sushi so i put it in a container along w/ the left over wasabi and ginger and plopped it into the fridge. Just now i took it out and ate it and it tasted like someone smeared wasabi all over the sushi, i almost cried cuz it was so hot. haha but i didn't. PS, i'm a butch, haha at work all the girl's always ask for help moving the big tables. When i do it i'm like *RAAAAGH HULK OUT*n i ram that table to wehre it belongs....haha yeah im a pretty sad version of a girl. hahah

Saturday, March 19, 2005


aaaaarg, you have absolutely no idea how much rage i am in right now....Not to mention its 10 friggen AM, i mean who the hell is up at 10AM??? ME thats who. ARG.
yaaaah, so i went and did stuff just now for 45 mintues, and i'm still pretty angry. Reason being, my 2nd brother's 24th birthday is coming up and him being an avid wrestling fan and all i decided to invest in some wrestling tickets for the upcoming smackdown event coming to Edmonton. and so i like set my alarm clock thusday morning at 9AM so i could wake up and mass horde some good seats. doo dee dooo 9am finally rolls around and low and behold what do i discover....i got up on the fruckin' wrong day. VREH. so blah blah wutever. Saturday morning finally rolls around and i sit w/ like, my timer and jolt cola on hand ready to do some ass fast typing and clicking. 9AM...BAM i'm like click drag point click *enter* FLOOR SEATING 3RD ROW NORTH SECTION YEAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! i'm like WHOO HOOO NO NOSEBLEED SECTION!!!! so i like did a little dance and opened up a 2nd window 2 maybe look for some better tix (hey i cant help it im chinese) doo doo, naaw i'll just leave it, so i start like filling in my addy and credit card info and push *enter* only to be blessed w/ this ungodly sight *We're sorry, but your 1 minute has expired and the tickets you were holding have been given up* i did my whide eyed look and went 2 look for them again, my new tickets? row 14 East.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, i seriously like went into shock i think. i guess i'll end this one short and sweet. being chinese and all i ended up looking around for some more and got some row 11east ones....but then after i paid i found some row 8east ones.... and me being like dumb and splurge of the moment i bought those too.... so yeaah....anyone wanna buy some SMACKDOWN tickets? aaaah well, i'll use the magic of ebay and hopefully luck will befall this hopeless schmuck, if not.... looks like i'll have 2 be going 2 smackdown

Monday, March 14, 2005


Who loves pingu? i sure do. I remember one time i watched pingu and his bed grew legs and started walking towards a giant seal. it was funny. Welp, anyways, gonna be a short post today. My aunt and aunts went 2 mirama today and i had to work...sooo they brought me back left overs.... mmm good ol' oily peking duck. Well, i'm not so full of anger and hot headed today so i wont be ranting that much....except for one thing. *siiiigh* I think i'm going to be doomed to live a life forever single. Why do I say that? well because all the guys that i like either A) are assholes, B) have girlfriends, or C) suddenly decide they are gay.... i'm serious about that last one btw. I like this one guy for like a super long time, and then i suddenly found out that he was bi. weeeell i guess bisexual isn't as bad as gay, because it still means he's into girls....but the way i see it, hell if i was a guy i'd go for a guy rather than an ugly girl who could be mistooken for a guy.... yes ladies and gentlemen, i am butch, and i used to be able to be mistooken for a dude. i'm not so man-ly now, but i'm still pretty butch i think....hey its what happens when you grow up w/ 2 older brothers whose favorite sports are hockey and wrestling. haha. well gonna go 2 sleep now, my stomache is all gurgly from some weird food or soemthing

Friday, March 11, 2005


OKAY, i'm so FUCKING pissed off right now that i could fucking break something. I dont care if you read this or not anymore you fucker, cuz its about time someone told you. STOP THINKING OF ONLY YOURSELF. GAWD. So i told my cousin today that i was planning on coming back home during the spring cuz i dont have classes, and i can make a lot more money up in fort mac than i can in edmonton, cuz A) i get paid more by the hour, and B) i get a lot more hours. And being a university student i need the money. and she goes *Yeah, you need MY money*??? uh okay. so i was like...*riight, i'm taking over my mom's shifts dude, she needs the time off, and even if she has to work its not like you guys dont need the help* every day i hear someone complain of how mofo busy it is or something. and its like it just wont sink in her MOFO DENSE HEAD. GAWD I'M NOT TAKING AWAY HER FUCKING SHIFTS. i'm working my FRICKEN moms shifts so she can take some FUCKING TIME OFF. NOT TO MENTION, I highly doubt shes gonna skip class so she can work in the morning.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH MY FUCKING GOD, i think i fucking broke something punching all that shit. stupid shit. so yeah i hope everyone in etown enjoys my company for the rest of the year cuz i'm not going anywehre for awhile. friggen JESUS. i'm going to go and paint soemthing now.


thank god its friday :) or thank god its friday :(
no school, but yes work.... *le sigh* soo whats new cowboys? nadda really, my aunts coming out 2morrow so me and flex had 2 mass clean the place up. hah my god we have like 6 bags of news papers. (we're such hermits) I finally got my artH midterm back, and i think i got a god i'm still in shock. haha who knew? I also got a B in painting (phew) I went into Divine Wednesday to get a smaller barbell, and yaay super pretty happy Mat was there. haha hes got a great smile. While i'm on the topic of guys i'll continue to be a little girl and swoon. 2 guys that i see on a regular basis got hair cuts and became really really hot. which is bad because i work w/ one, and go 2 calss w/ the other. even worse is the one at work has a super hot smelling cologne and i almost like...followed him out 2 his car...heheh oops. welp enough of that. I really want 2 go and work on my new painting project. I'm kinda motivated to do it now cuz i got some compliments from my instructor, which was like a serious first. Also not to mention i dont like looking at one eyed bald corinna's. yaaah, i think i'll take a shower and work on it then. laters everyboby

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

My new piercing yay! Posted by Hello

I dont know what i'm doing up still

its like 5 30 and i dont know waht i'm doing up still. All i know is that i'm really hungry... dooh. I think i'm only up cuz of that stupid art project. Nooo not cuz i had 2 paint it but more because it required me taking a picture of myself that i'd have 2 paint later. And since i'm so unphotogenic, it took me like 2 hours to get a picture that i looked okay in. And since i finally got one i figured i'd put it up or something. And while i was being unphotogenic i managed to take a nice pic of my tongue piercing too, so i might as well put that one up....that is....if i remember how....

Monday, March 07, 2005

what a terrible way to end a day

ugh, aaaalright, so i was fine till just now, when i was bored and i was dooking around on a friends web site when i found a *secret* page. (which mind you isn't so secret if its a link on the main page). Okay, so this Tea Party Page is my secret page. Nobody knows it exists, except jessica (that damn ogre who traced the comment i left her) Even though she rarely reads it I still find myself putting up a guard when i write in here. Okay, well so, i found my friends secret page, and i read it, and right away i knew it was about me. And how....uh i dont understand it actually and i dont want 2 go back and read it cuz it makes me sad. But we had went out on friday and right away after supper i knew that something was wrong but i didn't know what cuz she wasn't talking. i dont know if she knew or not, but i knew right away. and i take it by her blog that she thought i didnt know. But, i just want to say this right here and now (ARG i'm getting all misty eyed now) I'm not as easy to read as you think i am. I hurt, a lot in fact. i'm upset at myself, and sometimes everyone else cuz they think they understand me, but in fact i believe no one does. I dont know how to act around people alot, and when i'm with close friends I feel so happy that sometiems i get carried away. When i get in bigger groups with people that i dont know I get so nervous and scared i swear i think i'm going to die. Its the worst feeling every. Imagine that feeling you get when your misunderstood by a person and you feel bad cuz they think your something that your not. Well, imagine feeling like that everyday, and those people are your best and closest friends. Let me get this across, I dont have that many friends. I have aquantainces that i conjure up basic grammar with, but i have very few friends that i call close....i have 3 actually. It used to be 4, but 1 of them i realized was really taking advantage of me. So yes, i have a fear of people basically, and i have a fear of opening up. I can't stand the feeling when i want to scream at the top of my lungs to get my point across that i'm not a stupid girl, but i can't. I just can't voice myself cuz i'm so damn scared, and knowing that point myself makes me want to die. I mean how useless can a person be? I'm a fucking god damn stick in the mud. I'm so scared a lot because my parents put so much faith in me and they support me and believe in everything that i do. And i swear, if it weren't for the fact that me dying would make people sad and cry, I think i'd do it. Basically the only reason i'm a live sometimes i think is that I dont want to hurt anyone. But its bad because, in the end i'm still the one who ends up suffering isnt it? Im forced to live a life, wehre I dont belong.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Been awhile raggidy sanchez

Ahoy mateys, been awile since you've heard my groaning hasn't it. haha Welp my cuz was out here so we did our usual troublemaking, doing illegal stuff scmuck. hah. Lots of fun stuff happened over the week/reading week.... i got a triple digit paycheck (whoohoo!) haha and i was able 2 go to WEM and actually buy something. yaaah. i bought a new tongue ringy-thing. i finally have a piercing thats bigger than an 18, yaaah i feel so special. hah. Yesterday me and jess each wasted 17bucks and saw *SOUL DECISION* at Reds.. haha well not *wasted* but.. you know. Trevor has a hot is himself hot. So is that Tito guy, (hes funny cuz while everyone was drinking water, he chugged back a beer). I swear everytime he mosied on over 2 the guitarist or the singer and started rocking out, it looked like he was gonna kiss them...haha (i wish). Eeeem, what else...oh right, so at work, the chef's are finally seeming 2 like friendly up now. I feel like a creep cuz i keep on looking at one of the younger guys and trying 2 decide whether or not hes not...(insert eyeball roll here) hahaha seriously though. Like whats w/ me and getting attracted to the bad guy persona?? It so can't be good for me.... haha. welp, my toungue feels like its back to its regular normal flexible pointy self, so when i can finally change the piercing i'll take a picture. Hup hup, *engines ready?* hahaha i was watching treehouse over the weekend. That mofo racoon jackson makes me want to cry. hahah aaah i have 2 go ans shower and sleep now. worky worky 2morrow.