Sunday, May 14, 2006


Sometimes I think people dont realize how short life really is until its to late. But also at the same time I think that whoever decides when its time for someone to pass on, whether they be god, lord or spirit, has a cruel sense of humour. Several years ago my close cousin lost her dad to a heart attack the night before fathers day and which was also the night before his birthday. Just today i recieved a letter from a friend informing that her mother had also passed away, 4 days before mothers day. I feel a pang of saddness in my heart when i hear news like this because the people who've lost their loved ones had they had a few more days would have been able to share a wonderful hopefully love filled day w/ that person. But even having said this, isn't it sad how we take one...ONE day out of three hundred and sixty five days to show someone how much you appreciate them? When you think about it, how come everyday can't be mothers day, or fathers day, or valentines day or whatever stupid day that has been commercially created? If everyday you woke up and said 'i love you' to everyone you care about, then you wouldn't have to feel guilty if the next day they weren't there for you to say it to.... Humans are foolish creatures sometimes and i often dislike being one. I have the opportunity to live 100 years if i stayed healthy and active. When i'm young i'll complain that life is hard and complicated and i wish i was older so i didn't have to worry about the future. But in the future when i'm 50-60+ i'll complain that life is to short and i'll wish i was younger so i could do the things that i never got to do. Life really is ironic. Sometimes when i'm faced w/ choices and paths to choose, i'll think of that. People tell me that i do stupid things sometimes and waste money, but i guess maybe i'm thinking that they are certain things that i've always wanted to do and when i'm older i can have the chance to say that *yes i did that before* and *i've been there before*. Even though at this moment there aren't to many *daring* things that i've done....but if i ever get faced w/ the oportunity to then hopefully i'll remember what i've just said, and do what i say i'll do.

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