Tuesday, May 09, 2006

horrible horrible

These past few days have been really really crappy. Man i haven't had shitty days like this in a long time. First, on saturday, right after work this dirty business suit wearing man bummed 7 bucks offa me. I dont know how the hell he did but that fucker is going to burn in hell. It seriously pisses me off when shitheads like that seriously dont need the money and yet they still get it. And like, at least the people who really REALLY need it, they ask you once and if you say no they POLITELY say thanks anyways and walk away. This jerk stood there for like 10 mintues while i was waiting for the green light asking me friggen 50 times. And then after i gave him 4 dollars he seen my 5 dollar bill and asked for that AS WELL. and i dont know what the hell possessed me cuz i actually gave it to him. and then i walked away pissed off. and then the more i thought about it the angrier i got. By the time i got home i was super pissed off so i punched the brick wall. And when i was in the elevator i was still angry so i punched the metal wall. I woke up that night and my knuckles were swollen. Stupid jerk. Then on Sunday it was uber slow and i was waiting for 4oclock 2 come so that i could start my countdown for hometime. And right at 4 30 the other hostess called in and asked me 2 work for her. I guess once again that was my own fault for saying yes but i'm just trying 2 get some more hours/moolah. So there went my sunday. Today was equally as crappy. stupid cirque de soleil tix. all in all we have 3 tix and technically enough for everybody who wants 2 go....but... ah fuck its also a long complicating story. And then my brothers were going 2 go 2 claireview to take care of some condo investing business. I tagged along cuz i wanted 2 go 2 Michaels, but it ended up being farther away than i thought and my brothers only needed a few minutes 2 sign some papers so i just stayed in the car. Then i asked my brother if i could go 2 the bank 2 deposit my cheques so that id have enough money 2 pay for my tuition tomorrow. And then i realize that i had fucking taken my cheques out earlier today 2 check how much money there was altogether. So my other brother went 2 the bank and i was getting uber pissed off. After they went 2 futureshop 2 exchange something and i was geting EXTREMELY pissed off at this time cuz he was taking so long. When i finally got home it was past 8 and i got my cheques and started walking in the rain 2 the bank. And obviously when i got there it was fucking CLOSED. But at this point in time i had already figured that it was going to be closed. And since i had already cried all the way there i figured it was useless to cry anymore so i went 2 save ons and bought useless junkfood.

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