Friday, May 12, 2006


In case anyone ever wonders, the titles of these posts are often random words that just pop into my head when i can't think of anything to say (which is what i often do/say in real life). Any ways. I just want to re-comment on these past few days. I have to say that a days outcome really does depend on how you want it to turn out. On monday i had a really bad day. But actually i think it was only bad because i let it turn out that way. If i tried i probably could have made it less unfavorable by just not thinking about it so much and looking at the bright side. I say this because on Wednesday i had a pretty much equally as bad day. But rather than let it get to me i just chose not to think about how bad it was. Rather i thought of other stuff like how much worse it could have been and how thankful i was that the latter didn't happen instead. And really that wednesday turned out a lot better than i could have wanted it to. But yeah, that was all i really wanted to comment on. Mind over matter i guess...or soemthing like that.... ;P

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