Tuesday, May 09, 2006

once again due to the unreliability of my internet....

....here is another post from a previous day,
April 5th. Deedle dooo, I love working in public areas because i get to see pretty men... *tee hee* hahaha Aaaah especially the guy w/ the big smile, hes so cute. Hohoo. oh doh, there was something i wanted 2 write in here but i have forgotten.... Although i do remember that today a guy around in his late 20's early 30's came in and ordered to go, and he looked like an older version of mitch. I was extremely creeped out. Especially when he kept on staring deeply into the depths of my soul. And then also again when he asked for my name and when i gave it to him he asked me if it was my real name.... that spells c-r-e-e-p-y, my friends. Aaaaah I heart gentlemen. And i want 2 say that i like guys that are a few years older than me....dunno why but thats what i feel. OH OH i remember what i was going to say now. So, today i was sleeping and i dreamt that i was back in highschool and that i had slept in and my ride had come 2 pick me up. And when i was in highshool if i took to long my friend would knock on the door and since i'm a light sleeper i would hear it and automatically know that i had slept in. So I jolted up and rushed around getting ready. I finally got to school when the school bell rang. But in reality it was my real house phone and it woke me up. I was supposed 2 work lunch today and so i really actually was late.... sigh. I think that i subconsciously knew that i was supposed 2 work today hence why i dreamt that i was going to be late.... hahaha thats extremely weird. But i thought it was neat. Anyhoo i'm going to sleep now i'm uber tired.

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