Monday, May 01, 2006

oh garfunkle

Hello fellow prisonmates.
so how is everybody? (i say that expecting someone 2 actually reply) WELP i just finished organizing my portfolio for submission tomorrow.....*WISH ME LUCK* hoya, 3rd times the charm right??? (please please please let me in) Yeaaaah, i was looking at the portfolio i submitted last year and BOY did i submit some ugly stuff.... hahah no variety either. I would like to say that my portfolio this time looks pretty decent....althought i have no idea what their expectations are so i could be completely wrong.... uuugh and then comes the 2 month wait.... sob sob. But anyways i have another work related story to tell everyboby. (actually 2 now that i think about it)
#1. We hired a new hostess at work, and coincedentially she used to work at my families restaraunt in ft mac. She (as my brother says) doesn't have much if any common sense. For example, she put an order of wonton soup in one of those styrofoam boxes (the ones where liquid can slosh out the sides). and amongst other stuff. But it was like 2 years ago so i was like *aaah she was young, and ppl change* so i didn't mention anything to any of my workers. But apparently my workmates figured it out on their own.... haha jkjk....kinda. apparently i've been missing some interesting days at work when she hostesses... hahah i'm mean. I dont really want 2 indulge to deeply into this story cuz it can go on for a really long time.... so onto the next anecdote
#2. So whoever has been keeping track of this blog since day 1 knows that i work as a hostess at a restaurant. (but since no one has i figured i should refresh those memories) As a hostess i also take care of any take out orders. Aaaaand so theres this guy who comes in every so often and orders food. And when i ask him for his name 2 put on his order he always tells me his name is 'bob'. (rather he says something like 'oh you can put down bob') And, it could be just me but i always felt that he was giving me a fake name. Not just because of the way he says it but also the tone of voice and how he pronounces his own name. (i feel like a psychologist) Buut he rarely comes in so i usualy forget about it. 'Except', last Thursday. When he came in, in his work uniform....GASP ITS THE UNIFORM, I HAVE A THING FOR MEN IN UNIFORMS DONT I?!??!! 'ahem' when he came in w/ his 'chef' uniform on and i was like *hey your actually pretty good looking* (of course i just thought that...) aaaand he told me his name was bob and then flashed me his 1000watt grin which i now this is really really cute cuz its like.... a full face grin. Yadda yadda end of that for a few days. And then on Saturday, low and behold he came in during STAY... wooh aaaah. he asked for a table for 2 and if he could borrow the phone. and he called but no one picked up so i just took him 2 his table where he told me he was expecting his mother in 20 mintues (haha) And then like 15 mintues later a lady called in saying that our phone number was on her call display and that her son had probably called looking for her. She was like 'Yes i believe my son called looking for me, his names...* well i'll just say that its not bob. theres probably a reason why he doesn't tell his name to ppl like me for reasons like this....not to mention that i dont remember it....) and then i gave bob the phone and as i walked away and started thinking 'ha-haaa i know your real name' TeeHee i feel so special, so sneaky.... even though his mommy gave it away. Hohohoho i'll never look at you the same way again bob.

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