Friday, May 19, 2006

this is my gangster hat

when i wear it i become gangsta'. yo.
I dunno if its a good thing or a bad thing that i'm recovering so quickly from these bouts of depression. you figured its bad that one day i'm super good and then the next day i'm mashing my fists into a bloody pulp. (but not really) soo... my hand is feeling a lot better, though if i push certain spots it still hurts....obviously. but yeah. Anyways man thought for the day that i had. While in artH class today me and my friend michelle were talking and she told me that she was getting excited because she was getting married! Shes only 3 years older than me and i thought that was really exciting. Shes the first person/friend of mine that's around the same age as me and is getting married. Wow there was so many thoughts that went through my head when she said that. I mean she told me her and her fiance have been going out for like 6 years now and so i guess its about time. But it was still kinda shocking. I mean aside from katherine i dont think i know anyone else within my age range (give or take 10 years) who is in the jist of getting married anytime soon. And i guess i can't say that ppl are getting married younger these days, because my parents and older cousins all got married around 24ish too. So yeah. Its kinda funny/creepy because i said 2 my brothers last month, that a year from now i could be married if just tomorrow i happened 2 meet a guy and he happened to be my future husband.....So basically i dont know what the point i'm trying 2 get to.... Something along the lines of marriage and being young when it happens. I dunno, maybe because i hear so much about ppl getting married it seems so common, but when suddenly one of my friends gets married it sinks in that i could be that someone someday too....i mean, i think about like stupid things like wedding dresses and where i'd want to have my wedding and stuff, but i never really 'really' thought about what would happen if i ever got proposed to. Like, i always say how i'd want to get married so that i'd have someone to be with most of the time, but actually when i think about it deeper, it makes me kind of nervous.... woya, but yeah, apparently i'm missing an extremely important part of marriage which happens to be a man, so it looks like i wont be getting married anytime soon mates. And if i do i'm sure you'll be the first to know.....

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