Thursday, February 02, 2006

great googally boogally

whats with me writing entries on a regular basis? there must be soemthing i want 2 get out. Ho hum....well me H&W did our presentation today on the Flywheel. I think it went pretty good. Cept that i think the group was starting to get on each other's nerves. oy oy. I dont think i got on anyones nerves cuz i just did the stuff that ppl asked me too.... Although, personally i think that the young fellow in our group doesn't realize that us 2 girls dont have as much ....*experience* i will call it, as he does. He kept on asking me to do this and do that, and which honestly i had asolutely no idea how to do it. And when i asked him he pretty much told me 2 ask someone else.... but i figure it went okay. I learned how to use more machines yesterday in one day that i have in the past 4 months....haha, i'm horrible. Oh right, i think the band saw has a grudge against me. First time i asked kenny to teach me how to use it and it broke when i pushed the button. Today i went to cut some innocent pieces of sintra and the band snapped off and broke in half....seriously. It scared the living begeezus outta me. I swear it could have cut my thumb off and i prolly woudn't have noticed cuz i was to busy trying 2 get my heart started again. The technician man gave me a dirty look when i told him....*sob sob* My mandarin instructor's pretty horrible too. Dwear mne, i dont know why but i no longer look forward to attending class, and those 50 mintues seem to draaaaaag by. I think its because she seems 2 inflict fear upon everyone. She makes everyone read a sentence (which i dont mind) but then she makes them correct certain words like...5 times. And personally at the end of the 5th time i still hear no difference, and im sure the rest of the class doesn't either. Even the smart kid in the class is starting to not like her methinks. I feel so bad for the english guy in our class. He keeps telling our mandarin instructor that shes speaking too fast and that he can't understand, and yet she keeps speaking equally as fast. AND she keeps making him repeat everyword in teh sentence because he can't pronounce it 'perfectly'. I think that is WAY to strict. I mean, if i got up in front of the class and asked her to repeat a sentence i said in english i'm positive she wouldn't be able to do it perfectly either because English is not her first language. Well she should realize that mandarin is obviously not our first language and therefore cannot pronounce everyword w/ the same roll of the tongue and tinge of the lip as she does....arg, man this is making me angry. I dont even wanan think about all the students in my class right now that are so discouraged from taking higher levels because of this.....*sob sob*

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