Saturday, February 04, 2006

yo dawg

I'm not sure if i'm actually starting 2 lose weight or if its just my eyes playing tricks on me. *heh heh* Well, i really really wanted 2 write in here yesterday but my i-net was down for like 2 hours, and i just couldn't pry my eyes open any longer to wait. I was so happy haha i made $25 in tips yesterday in credit cards and debit sales. hohoho. And i've recently been itching 2 go 2 the marble slab 2 eat ouce cream. Its opened for like 3 months and i still haven't stopped by even though its one of my favorite things to eat. Um...i think i've been having some weird dreams lately, many of which i do not remember. And i've also been having some bad luck in manga. I recently came into ownership of 4 new manga's. (Confidential Confessions, Death Note, Nana, and Princess Ai) I bought the 2nd and 3rd books and they were kinda boring. Nana was mainly because it was by the author of parakiss. I think it'll get more interesting later on but i dont really wanna risk it. Death Note is okay, althought i dont really like the 'main characters' attitude on life. The otehr 2 books i got from cathy because she was cleaning out her bookshelf. CC is okay 'only' because it talks about controversial stuff. I told iris that i think she'd hate this series. haha. I dont even really wanna mention about princess ai. It sounds okay on the back, and if i were like 5 years younger i think i'd like it. It also might have 2 do w/ the idea that the story's written by courteney love.... But its such a typical teenage girl story. Girl wakes up w/ amnesia. Girl bumps into good looking guy who she feels strongly connected to. Girl trying 2 discover her past. Girl keeps bumping into guy, feels destined to be together....Seriously thats exactly hwo the story is unfolding, its like a soap opera. Harg. Welp, i got my ticket to NY today. hohoho starting 2 get excited! I feel kinda bad because i told instructor jeff that i would miss a class but apparetnly i lied because we're missing less school than i htought. (only friday classes wich coincedentially is only mandarin) Iris sent me a japanese commercial for Link to the Past and i laughed at how horrible it was. Basically it was a live action commercial w/ ppl dressed up as Link and Zelda and other random charactes dancing to a similar version of michael jackson's thriller. Horrible yet funny. *Sigh* my grandparents and dad are coming out next week. Hotel La Chow will now be in service. I hate sleeping in felix's room cuz well...his 'alarm clock' rings for like an hour, until he wakes up and turns on all the lights and keeps then on until he pretty much leaves....sob sob....BUT on the plus side i keep on thinking about this guy.... tee hee. I realized today how extremely attractive it is when guys can speak more than one language. Needless to say i went into drool mode when i heard the latest sushi chef not only speak english and cantonese but...taisan as well! Hoho (i think i remember writing this before) But then i was like, aaah english and cantonese is pretty typcial, and taisan is more of a dialect it should'nt come as that much of a surprise. But THEN! Yesterday, i found out he can also speak....'mandarin' OHoho, now mandarin i think is pretty hot hahah sexy. hahah. boy i AM a creep.

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