Friday, February 17, 2006

crunch time everybody....

Hey all. So its 2 30AM right now, (an hour before i leave 2 the airport). Starting 2 get a little nervous, w/ that feeling that i've forgotten 2 pack soemthing. Ow-eee-ch. i keep on hurting my self this week. My right leg alone has like 3 bruises on it....a sign?....i dont want 2 tell anyone but i kinda have a weird feeling about going to NY. I keep having this feeling that something might happen. And today could be the last time i see my famly and friends for a while....I kept on thinking that i was going to get into an accident before i left or something that would prevent me from going....huuuur weird. I'm sure its nothing. Ho hum shake it off shake it off. Um.... i brought lots of stuff to keep me occupied so i hope i dont et bored. Alhtough just now me and I were talking about how um... annoying my roomate for the next 10 days can be. (sigh, i just remembered when i spent 4 days straight w/ her in fort mac and i almost gouged my own eyes out) hahah how horrible am i. But i just dont like how she views dating and guys. Like she doen'st take it seriously at all, but yet when a guy breaks up w/ her she gets super upset. hurrrr, extremely unfair. But anyways, we get along pretty well so i guess i'll be fine. Hahaha, all my workmates said they will miss me, i'm so pleased. And i'm pretty sure when they said it they meant it. Hohohoh i feel so loved.... except by my daddy. I called back home 2 say bye 2 my mom and dad tonight, but my brother hung up before i could talk 2 my dad. So then i called back right away and my dad had just stepped into the john. And my mom was like *HEY HEY your daugter wants 2 say *bye* to you!!!* and i heard a muffled 'okay bye bye' through the door... haha im so loved aaaah. well i can't think of anything else to say i 'll prolly stop and empty out my inbox and do random stuff. Huuuuur bye bye everybody!

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