Friday, February 10, 2006

dwear mne

These next 7 days are going to be hectic. So much to do, so little time. oh boy oh boy. I really should be asleep but i've been itching to write in my bloggy-blog. (how am i going to survive 10 days away from you sweetie?) Oh snap. HOH i had a dream today. It was extremely out of place considering that that night i had just discussed w/ my brothers *how do you get yourself to dream* Aaaaand after that conversation i went 2 sleep and dreamt about my instructor. *heheh* how much of a creep am i? hahah i dreamt i bumped into him in the elevator/escalator/iforgot and my brothers invited him up juice. OY what the hell kind of crack am i smoking. hahah And then i woke up. Ummmm. what else has happened. Oh banquets coming up 2morrow, looking forward 2 that. But not looking forward to next week. dwear mne so much stuff to do. Um... somthing else. OH i finally went and exchanged my ipod. Futurshop has been out of 1G ipod shuffles for like 2 months now so i decided 2 just upgrade. Hohoh i was so happy when i finally got my ipod up and working. I went on ebay to look for accessories (funny because we just had a talk about stuff like this in des class) and theres so much stuff i want 2 get for...for ipod jr. har har. Um..OH riiiight. on tuesday, i seen mister dreamy in casual clothes! OHOHOH. hahah i feel really bad because when he came into the dining room the first thing i did was....i checked out his shoes. Yup, you know i've got a shoe fetish when the first thing i do is check out ppls shoes. Hahaha, actually i shouldn't be surprised. I know what kind of shoes everybody in all of my classes wear. hohoh i'm sure it just means i'm observant. (which truly i am...or just nosy) If anyone every quizzed me on random facts about ppl in class its actually quite creepy on how much i know. hahaha its just because ppl talk loud, come-on. Aaaah well i think thats all the update that i can think of. OH except today, i was looking at that footprint mark on the bottom of my wall that i made a year ago when my painting instructor was trying 2 teach us yoga and i tried 2 stand on my head that day. I started 2 wonder if i could stand on my head a year later so i tried. aaaand i did! yay. hahah i got up and i was like *HEY HEY GUYS LOOK I'M STANDING ON MY HEAD!!! ...WOW I'M DIZZY I GOTTA GET DOWN FROM HERE* hahah and then right after i celebrated by eating leftover dinner. waboosh

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