Wednesday, February 15, 2006


arg i hates valentines day. Not just because i am lonely *sob sob* but because its always around midterm week, and that week is always hectic, and working at a restaurant sucks because on valentines day no matter what restaurant you work at its always busy and its always full of couples coupling. HARG i've been SO busy this week. On friday i had a banquet to go to and i was hoping to get soem school related work done then, but no avail. On saturday i wanted 2 go 2 WEM and get all my last minutes shopping done for my trip to NY but i didn't go. So i just went 2 walmart and bought stuff there, then i went home and studied like crazy for artH 209 till 5AM(which mind you i hadn't even taken the plastic wrap off the text yet...heheh) and then Sunday i had to work all day. Dwear Mne i haven't workd all day in a while. I managed to finish my *non* mandatory-mandatory speech for china 102 at work and boy was it crap. (i should tried harder, apparently the prize is a trip to bc! hahah oops. Any hoo i seen my multilingual sushi chef in casual clothes. Unfortutanely the one thing i didn't factor in apparetnly happened. He...has a girlfriend. hahahah oops again. But anyways i was surprisingly not as dashed as i thought i'd be. Ho hum. So any hoo i got home and went 2 bed at woke back up at 1 to study for art H. Monday i went 2 mandarin class and came home and did all 3 sketch models for class during my 5 hour lunch break, hahah. And then i came home and slept and woke back up at 1 to study. (sounds familiar eh) Hahah this morning i was so scared i was going to sleep in that i kept on waking up every hour and checking my clock. Hahah, well i *think* i did okay on my exam. I finished *exactly* when she said time was up (literally, i dotted my last period when the buzzer rang) And then, i came home and worked on my mood board, and took like a 20 mintue nap, before going to hell. hahah seriously i'm not exagerating, it was so crazy at work today, i'm so glad the 2nd hostess came into help otherwise i dont know waht i would have done. So tired. but on the plus side someone called in a huge order and didn't come to pick it up so....i got free food! hahaha *shhh* Eventually i got home and hoovered supper down before finishing my mandarin homework (badly mind you) and here i am (or was rather) doing some more sketches for design.... sob sob, i still haven't started packing yet.... oh i can see the nightmaires now. Mommy when will friday come?

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