Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Oh Jimminey Cricket....

I have accumulated so many stories to tell over these past few days that i have a feeling this blog entry will be quite lenghty. On....Friday i believe it was, i was taking the train to the U. and I seen this lady, i guess she had a... a hangnail i believe you call it. (Those little small flaps of skin that flap up kinda near your fingernails) and i guess she was trying 2 bite it off. Pretty normal, yes. But she started like.....molesting her finger. I became extremely disturbed, but yet could not tear my eyes away. And even when i finally did i could still ehar her... guh...sucking and doing whatever the hell she was doing to her finger. And then, she stopped and put her hand down on her bag (that one finger still shiny from the saliva) and then like 5 seconds later she'd pick it back up and do exactly the same thing. She did it like 4 times i swear. Those poor guys in front of her. They musta been there since like Clareview because one guy seemed WAY to engrossed in his textbook, while the other guy stared at this spot on the floor like his life depended on it. But i finally looked away...however curiosity brought me back just in time to see the lady pick her nose. And like i guess this is a pretty normal thing to do if you try and do it inconspicously. but this lady was like....searching for treasure. And boy she shure found some. However, the most disturbing part to this story was where she put her....*treasure*....Now ladies and gentlemen, when you dont have kleenex where is the grossest place you can put a booger....if any of you ppl said *in your mouth* you are correct! Thats right folks, you heard me, in her mouth....shshshttssh...(thats my sound of when soemthins gross and i dont knwo what to say)... oh dawg. Its actually a lot grosser when i tell it in person w/ all the actions and sounds... Sigh, i seem 2 believe that a lot of otehr things happened these past few days but i can only seem 2 remember 2 main stories, 1 of which i have already told you.... Oh well. I'll start #2. So Sunday was Chinese New Years (新年快乐 to everybody) I woke up at like...10AM so i could go 2 kingsway. (I had went 2 WEM yesterday and bought nothing and was feeling particularly empty) So i went 2 kingsway and spend money on stuff i later deemed unnecessary. 2 books that weren't extremely good and 2 hairpins that i have no where to put since i have next to no hair....sigh. So i eventually got home and got ready for work. Me and my brothers were trying 2 call home (fort mac) to say happy new years to everybody but the phone was busy for like...2 hours. So i went 2 work. And it was slow there so i called from my cell to say happy new years, and once again (2 hours later) the phone is still busy. But i finally get through another 2 hours later and wish aaaaall my aunts and uncles happy new year. Then i ask 2 talk 2 my gramma. and Literally the translated conversation went like this, "WEI? IsThisCorinna?OhHiYes, HappyNewYearsToYouTo, I'mPlayingMahjongRightNowCan'tTalk,Bye!* ...sob i'm so unloved. Hahah. Anyhoo, i got some lucky moolah from mah boss (Hey i've been working at Kyoto for a year now yay!) And then me and my brothers and Jess went out for dinner at Taipan Cafe, which i have to say is one of my favourite restaurants : ) Jess got her nose pierced at it had huge crusties on it, and we kept commenting on how it seemed 2 get bigger and bigger. But anyways. we went home tralala. I watched some tv. At 1 30 i stood up to turn off the TV when the phone rang. I picked it up and it was Jess asking us to take her to the hospital because she took a shower and her nose wouldnt' stop bleeding. Now i figured it was pretty bad because me and her aren't pussies and i figured she wouldn't go 2 the hospital unless it was really really REALLY bad. So i grabbed the 2 new books i bought we all went 2 the emergency ward at the hospital because thats the only thing thats open at 2AM. Dear Lord there were so many ppl there. But i guess since Jess managed to fill up an entire facecloth w/ blood in 5 mintues they figured it was worth looking at sooner, so she didn't have 2 wait that long. (I feel so sorry for the lady w/ the broken wrist who had been there since 8PM and finally got admited at 4AM.) But actually a lot of the patients at hospitals are really nice, (and funny i'll say considering how much pain some of them must be in) So, it turned out that whoever had pierced Jess' nose (this lady at Orchid in WEM for those who wish to know) pierced it right through an artery. (who knew noses had arteries. the lady at Orchid didn't thats for sure) Anyways Jess said after they took the piercing out blood started gushing out of her nose like a friggen faucet, and she said she went into shock for a few minutes. HoBoy. So.... long story short we ended up staying at the RAHospital till 6 30AM. I came home and ate a fudgsicle cuz i was craving one and set my alarm clock to ring 5 hours later....Stupid thing is at 9AM this morning i somehow knocked my alarm clock down onto the floor causing the batteries to shoot out and resulting in the missing of my class....Bitch. Arg. But! There actually is a plus side. I went 2 Des class early today and i used 3 entirely new machines successfully today! Hohoho i'm so happy. hahah. I made a world! And Then me and Jess, Jen, Cathy and Tara went 2 BP's to eat dinner. (iris didn't come because she was feeling under the weather. Which was sad because i finally remembered 2 bring those xmas crackers) Our server was kinda rude i think, and i ended up once again paying for way more than i ate....i think i paid something like....25$ for my panzerotti roll ($8.75) a drink and like....5 chicken wings. Siiigh. HEY CORINNA AREN'T YOU SUPPOSED TO BE DIETING???? Hoy i'm forgetting about that. *slap slap* Okay well i think thats all the main stuff that i wanted 2 tell. I should prolly go to bread anyhoo....

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Oh internet how i loathe you

I do loathe you internet. You always make me procrastinate and i find out things i shouldn't on you.... boo urns. Arg, i should've went 2 sleep like 5 hours ago. dammit. today was productive but i did stuff that didn't need to be done. I organized all the songs on my cpu. I also realized that...i like writing lists. I always write lists for everything and it makes me feel organized and happy. haha i'm weird. I spent like....2 hours on this translator site because it kept on translating english words to chinese or japanese to english. Its quite funny because the grammar is horribly wrong. I also looked up types of depression to see what kind that i might have had when i was young. dysthia one or osmthing? aaah dunno....Ugh. I actually have quite a long blog 2 post but i think i'm going to save it for 2morrow. Note to self. reminder for gross day and sushi time. hahah gross gross and funny. But. anyhow i just felt a little pang of saddness because i read spoilers for naruto. Its actually really really REALLY sad. Basically, team 7 (which for those who dont know is naruto, sasuke and sakura and they were really polar opposites i think but eventually they became best friends/rivals) and apparently right now Team 7 has just split up. and i dont mean like *boo-urns your not my friend anymore* they've *split up* like naruto went on a 3 year training thing w/ guy A to city A and sakura went dido w/ guy B to city B. Sasuke....oh sasuke, he (as they say) turned his back on konoha village and went 2 look for this other guy who promised him power. Naruto chases him down to try and talk some sense into him and they both start fighting. And apparetnly sasuke can become much stronger and gain a special abbility if he is able 2 kill his best friend (its such a long story). But him and Naruto pull out their best moves that will obviously kill the weaker one. At the last possible moment naruto stops his move to see if sasuke will really kill him and sasuke does the same thing but instead punches Naruto. He then leaves Naruto to find his new master. Team 7's sensei finally finds the Naruto who is unconscious and holding Sasuke's hitai-ate headband w/ a scratch across the leaf crest, 'symbolizing his betrayal'. It then says 2 years pass....TWO YEARS?? OH MY GOD. and then naruto and sakura meet up again, but sasuke is still nowhere to be seen. And apparently that is how far the anime is right now...The real kicker is how behind i am. I dont even think team 7 has officially passed entrance exams yet. I dont even wanna think about how long its going to take the manga to catch up.... oh SOB SOB. why are you so cruel to me world.....

Friday, January 27, 2006

good morning

i dont think i've ever written a post earlier than midnight before. huck-guck-guck-guck. Well anyhoo, i just wanted 2 write about this creepily weird dream i had this morning. I dreamt that there was this murderer going around targeting students from my graduating school year. Me and my 2 friends were trying 2 catch the murderer and we eventually did. Then the 3 of us went 2 my house 2 celebrate for a bit and then friend 1 said she had 2 go home to do something. Friend 2 said she was going to visit her later. And then it was just the 2 of us and we talked about how long it had been since the 3 of us got together (because we drifted apart in uni) and then friend 2 went 2 leave but she turne around and said somthing like *keep an eye out for ___ she seems kinda unstable, i'm worried she might do soemthing to herself* and then she left. and i was like ....*whaaa* because she has never worried about my other firned before. And then i noticed she left her bag at my place and i since i couldn't shake that ominous feeling off i ....i snooped. I eventually found this list in her bag and it had all of the names of the ppl that had been killed and they were all crossed off except for one last name at the bottom, and it was the name of my friend who she was going to visit. Dun dun dun. pretty creepy eh. (oh in case you guys didn't get it, friend 2 is supposed 2 be the real killer....i think i missed some details hahah)


.... i actually dont know what that means but my friend told me today its scary. If anyone knows....feel free to drop me line. yes indeedy. Anyhoo, that's the name of this mandarin song i have been listening 2 non stop today and yesterday. Its berry pretty ladies and gents. Hohum. i'm trying 2 procrastinate and hope that my hotmail will start working again. something is wrong with mine, and apparently only my account. bah. But anyhoo. I was doing soemthing thinking couple days ago. And apparently my design instructor is not as young as i thought he was....HHHhmm. I thought he was like a few years older than us, but apparently hes been teaching for *quite* some time now. oh...AND *and* he has....wrinkles... gasp. haha but hes still a pretty funny instructor. Aaaah, we have a whole bunch of new sushi chefs at work. oh yes... after the good looking one got fired and i came back from fort mac we apparently got another good looking one. And this one i thinks pretty good looking on a constant basis. haha. OH *and* he speaks cantonese AND t...tai...tas....the language that gramma and grandpa speak...OHOHO hahah but alas, this is corinna we are talking about. haha. um...oh and. today, i used my new mandarin skills at work... oh yeah baby check out those skillz. hahah a china man came in today and he started talking 2 all the servers in mandarin, and eventually he just waved me down and started ordering in mandarin. hahah. hahah but i still suck and i thought he said he wanted 2 pay for another customer's bill as well (because he bought everybody a glass of wine) and he was like (glare) no...just mine. hahah *oops* aaaah. welp anyhow i'm going to go sleep now mate's. see ya'll later

Monday, January 23, 2006


....3 posts 3 days in a row, i must be sick....but in reality i find these consecutive posts quite boring because lets face it, how much interesting stuff can happen 2 corinna in 3 days? not very, is the answer. But i was once again feeling bored. I hope i dont blank out doing my mandarin skit 2morrow, boy boy have i ever mentioned how much i hate doing oral presentations? ....and yet the strange thing is, at work i have no problem walking up to complete strangers and making friendly witty banter....i wonder if its some kind of handicap i have....sucks. Welp aside from trying 2 remember my lines, i also just finished writting 1/3 of our design paper.... dwear mne i hope its okay. I'm kinda on that verge of not knowing whats going on right now and i've felt that way for the past 30 mintues of writing so i dont know how the paper sounds. I'll look over it again 2morrow and see if i make sense. haha. um....what else. Welp i'm trying 2 save up some spending cash for myslef when i go to NY. I think i should start planning out a simple budget and decideing what to pack... i always start packing like 2 weeks in advance anytime i go anywhere. but aside from that.... does anyone ever find that they never seem to have enought time to do all the stuff they want 2 do? i really want 2 start on my animethon costume, but well lets face it, i'm a slacker, and when i do find i have time i'm usually scrambling to get homework or something done that should have been done several days ago.... bah humbug. Weeeell i think this blog looks about average size so i should prolly punch the bag (get it, mwa mwa....*sigh*....no wonder i'm single) oh wildest thing happened today....i got a free paint set w/ my qtips. WHOA
PS. i forgot to write last week, Happy First Year Anniversary Corinna's Blog Page!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

hullo hullo

aaah me and my brothers were *winter* cleaning today. boy boy. I found my old diary and was reading the lasty 20 or so entries. hahah i was a creepy 17 year old wasn't i? Hahah, i wrote a lot about craig too.... amongst other boys....hoy i do have bad relationships. Craig was a jerk, charles was a jerk and mitch...boy now that i think about it mitch was a jerk too. What kind of boyfriend calls up his girlfriend after not seeing her for a week and falls asleep while she's talking to him? an asshole thats who. I'm an idiot for putting up with it too. if i ever stop being single i swear to gud that i wont take that shit no more. Boy george. Weee chinese new year is coming up soon. I realised just now that i didn't make any new year resolutions yet.... hmm.... maybe i'll put a few down here....well, um, i resolve to....try to speak up more in class, um.... lose weight (or at least eat healthier)...and um i guess thats about it. I learned to not make too many resolutions or you'll never keep up with them. I was just thinking about how i haven't drawn or painted anything in a really long time.... since summer school i think. I really miss it. I want to use up that once canvas i made last year and see what i can paint up. Especially remembering how my painting style changed during our last project in 310. egads so little time, so much to do. weeeeell i think i'm going to sleep now, i'm actually pretty tired tonight.

Saturday, January 21, 2006


Spelunk is quite a funny word isn't it? i certainly think its a funny word. Hohum, I was starting to write our groups report on *flywheels* when i realized that i haven't written a paper in over 2 years. I think i've lost my touch....or it could be due to the fact that i'm writing about flywheels rather that something i'm more passionate about.... like english papers and soc. papers.... le sigh. i finally got my own copy of pride & prejudice. In highschool that was my favorite novel, haha because i'm such a romantic. Um... oh and i will say that today, i have given up on trying 2 get my xmas present ipod to work. I've tried all that i can think of to get it to work and to no avail. I'm left to believe that the one and only ipod my brothers chose was a defect. *sigh* Ho hum what else. Oh haha i didn't really have anything to say today except that 'im trying to be more 'healthy' It has something to do w/ something that happened when i was back home in fort mac but its kind of a long story and i'm not very proud of it (nothing embarssing like breaking a bus bench) But all aside, yes. I'm trying 2 be more healthy, im hoping my infamous will power will get me out of this jam. bloog. My friend lent me a *fate for 2006* book and it said that i have 2 watch out for my health and that i will have gastrointestinal problems.... i dont even really know what that is but i dont want it. hahah. So yeaaaah. eating healthy! i dont *think* i've had any chocolate (knowingly anyways) since i came back from fort mac. shocking. Hohoho, i'm getting excited for NY, and a little nervous about money and other things. but still exciting! oooh and i'm looking forward to the chinese new year banquet that me and my buds are going to. yeehaw. I haven't gotten together w/ all my friends since my birthday. Speaking of friends i haven't seen iris in awhile. I feel kinda bad but i feel awkward when her mom's around. Not to mention her new place i still dont really know how to get to yet and is quite a ways away from the lrt station....(i'm so lazy) But anothing thing too....i went 2 look at her blog pages again, and it really pains me to read one of her pages that she has. Her recent entry was about her sister and how she doesn't help around the house w/ chores and doenst pay for anything. Sigh i dont know what to do. I want 2 send an anonymous email to ling w/ the link but i'm not sure what that might lead to. Dwear mne, i've seen so many tv shows about friends knowing they're friend suffers from depression or something and they never tell anyone and in the end something terrible happens. Blarg, i dont know why but i keep hoping that it'll eventually boil over and she'll be fine.... aaaarg, i hope i dont end up being sorry in the end. I just hope that iris eventually gets out of this rut and starts looking on the bright side of things.

Friday, January 13, 2006

hi everybody

i'm doctor nick riviera. hahah no actually i'm not. it's really just corinna. haha. Real quicky tonight. Its super ....well not *super* late, but its getting there, and i still have class 2morrow. i JUST finished watching the Naruto Snow Princess movie, and i'll have to say, of all the anime movies i've ever watched before this one tops them all. (of course i haven't watched all that many....) but i think its still pretty good. The story line wasn't really what i was expecting and i kinda was hoping for more info on kakashi and when he was an ANBU.... but ah well. The animation was eggsalent. Every scene i think was gorgeously done. Theres very few anime's where i find the animation nicely done and consistant.... Oh i just looked at my stash of anime movies hahah, and i forgot about the finale to CCS. I think that *that* one was a really good story. hahaha i'm a sucker for romance. But back to naruto, though i still wish that they'd do some more like....tricks and stuff, because the first season i got hooked on because i never knew what to expect and there were so many twists. I haven't really caught anything that totally wacks me out yet.... hahah boy i'm such a critic. Anyways, i really should be going to sleep. When i have time i'll catch up some more details. Ohohoh PS. i still am super intent on doing anbu kakashi for animethon! hohoh my anbu mask is *slowly* coming along (notice how i emphasize slowly) hahah but its still su-pah fun. Yahooo, hoo-ray for naruto, hoo-ray for sasuke, hoo-ray for kakashi !

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Oh lord, how you mock me

Long time since i wrote? Like a week or something. I was just reading my previous entry and it reminded me, my bus ride back here was horrible. I didn't get to sit next to a gorgeous looking man. I got to sit next to a fairly large man who i dont think showered for a good few days. He was extremely phlegm-fully sick and snored....*sob sob* at grasslands his friends woke him up and that was the only reason i was able to slip past him 2 get some food. When i got back on the bus he had passed out and i tapped him on the shoulders a good 3,4 times before i started jabbing and loudly saying *excuse me* (i believe the whole bus was snickering at me behind their seats. So, i took off one shoe and hoppped over the bee-yatch. That was that. And then me and my mom went out 2 etown for 3 days so she could get some shopping in. and i bought 2 pairs of shoes and a new jacket! yay. hahah Um.... oh right. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Hope my fellow readers (which i realize i have none) are doing well. I got my first *A* in university everyone! yay yay. Hahah, just now i spent an hour and a half writing a email with my mom to send back 2 her family in HK. I was searching the internet for characters because i dont know how to write them out manually....good ol' copy and paste. Em.... what else. Oh i was watching the countdown in NY times square, and i was imagining how sweet it would be if a single girl (ie me) was in times square watching the ball thingy fall and couples around her were bringing in the new year w/ a kiss. When the complete stranger standing next to her grabbed her and gave her a kiss just because he didn't want to be left out (and because he saw that she was a little sad too of course) hahaha have i ever mentioned that i'm a hopeless romantic? Oh speaking of, i seen quinton and sterling today. hahaha how uncanny. They both look exactly the same which is hilarious. I have at least changed my hair style. Q&S both look like they just graduated from high school. With the exception that Sterling has the body of a shrunken arnold swartzenegger and drives a tiburon....dirty bastard. Hahaha. quinton asked me if i was busy on monday and invited me out 2 the slopes to snowboard.... um.... haha unsure if he was just asking to be nice or possibly......possibly..... aah nothing. Hahaha. *le sigh* Remember what i said about flings corinna. Welp, gotta go now okey. oh sigh. just thought of you....happy new year craig....