Monday, January 31, 2005

Needing Sleep

soo i'm needing some sleep right now but i just wanted to post something quick. i worked today from 5-9...its a short shift, but boy when your still learning it seems like forever. i made like 3 mistakes on one ladies order today. oh the shame the shame. damn crazy touchscreen cpu's and your crazy shorthanded abbrieviation. le sigh, its bad though cuz like some if not all the waitress/cooks/workers speak cantonese and they prolly dont think i understand, and they start talking about me in cantonese. boooy one of these days i'll give them the squinting of a lifetime....hah naaaw.
So i came home today and decided i wanted 2 try out those instant frenchtoast stix things. and i like french toast, but not pancakes. i was so upset when i tasted them, cuz basically....its a pancake, cut into the shape of a piece of sad. hehe i also visitied this slighty disturbing site called if anyone wants to go and visit, go ahead. just make sure your not the faint of stomache.....anywyas i'm getting a tiny headache now so i'm off 2 bed...boy its maybe i'll bring some sushi home 2 eat 2morrow

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Coffee is my Drug

id like to think i have some weird alien body that doesn't process drugs and alcohol and caffine properly, since they seem 2 have the reverse effect on me. i dont know why i brought that up. but alas, i somehow managed to get a hefty amount of pics up on my piczo site. i'm one of those people who doesn't have that many pictures of me, and when i do take pictures its w/ the digital camera and am therefore lazy to print them out. it reminds me of a little photo album. i wanted to say something but i forget what now.
note to self, never look a kiosk employee in the eye and jess got duped again. we both bought a pair of shades....its not even sunny out yet. haha. maybe i should go to bed soon though, i've gotta work tomorrow.

Sum 41 Posted by Hello

Black Maria Posted by Hello

Saturday, January 29, 2005

All Done

Hey pookie,
yaaah, so my cousin went back to Fort Mac, and now I can be a good little girl and not skip class....hah. Sooo i think i actually spent more money than I made this week...especially considering that i only worked 3 hours for that one day....heh. While jess was out here we watched *supersize me, hellraiser, asylum days, dreamcatcher, and napoleon dynamite* hahah so productive.... pretty much all those movies i can think of soemthing that made me laugh berry berry hard. aaah the goodness of humor....
oh i guess maybe i should be getting to the concert which i've been relly wanting to write about. It was pretty good, but not if i considered that i paid for the 4 of us and got the worst seat between us. and not to mention my camera died and i left the spare in my bag. so terrible....le sigh....weeell i guess i could complain more but that wouldn't be any fun eh. yaaah so i managed to stay nice and close when the first opening band, Black Maria came out...ohoho so close i managed to touch the lead singer....mmm so hot. i also got their give away cd thing signed by the band heh, they were funny, one of the band members i think chased a car down, opened her door and gave her a cd. arg i must be brain dead or soemthing, i can't remember anything else....i guess i'll just post a picture up or something okeey, they're not that great so dont beat me.

Friday, January 28, 2005

Catch Up

Bloop bloop, sooo my cousin is out, which is my excuse for this no blogging and work....but i'm still trying....i went the the SUM 41 concert on tuesday, i'm sure you all heard, and i got like...savaged....doig i've never had so much sweat that did not belong to me before. besides the fact that i bailed out of the front and sat on a garbage can it was pretty good... yup. bizzy d played the piano...haha it was fun, he could be a one man band...hah naaaw
yaaah, so aside from that i went to WEM today and this ...ARG this dumb snobby lady at Laura Petites was totally stuck up to me. Which pisses me off cuz she was nice when i was dressed up and brandishing a big shiny visa....i'll glare her for the rest of my life. so terrible....and....i got suckered in by a kiosk lady....but she made my nails so shiny...hahahah
OH OH i'm so happy yay yay hahahah i got hired! yaaaah mmm sushi.... hahah thank goodness, i was so nervous on the first day...haha yaaah, but i'm gonna go and watch aonther old school movie okay.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Sum 41 in Etown

Thats right ppl, sum41 came to edmonton.... le sigh.... i *HAD* pretty much front row seats but...eventually somehow managed 2 get knocked back to the nosebleed section....i feel sorry for the girl who did get a nosebleed and she was in the front though... poor lady.... theres a lot more i want to rant about but my head hurts and i must have a million pounds of other peoples sweat soaking into my skin so i'm gonna go n call it a day....

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


oy oy, heh this one required four...FOUR exclamation marks...hahaha. so its still wednesday morning...only 2 hours later...haha so..yeaaah i never did get around to finishing that shirt. i sat her and talked 2 my cuz. then i dooked around on the page and...aaaand...notice anything different??....hmmmm?? whats that?? you hear music???? you see a VIDEO??? ohmy however did *that* happen :P Ohohoh. yaaay i'm so proud hahaha, after like an hour of guessing and checking and practically breaking down my nero net processor i got the vid up and running.... some one praise me....i need attention.... haha yes i was deprived as a child, i'm one of those people who dont like hugs...(i'm not the only one, i read an article about it in the paper, whoo-hoo!). So incase you cant tell by those huge footers at the bottom of the mvwindow(which i actually know how 2 remove but am afriad i will get arrested), this is Good Charlotte's *i just wanna live*. i actually relly like this song, the mv im half n half for but coudln't find just the audio music,hahaa. my absolute favorite part in the song is when joel consecutively rhymes, home,alone,phone and stones... hahah makes me laugh everday. so now all i need 2 find out how 2 do is put in pics,links and a nicer bg/template thing.....*heeeeeeeeelp*....

Class schmass

Been a couple days,
Noooo not cuz i'm giving up, though many of you'd want me to cuz this page is dinky isnt it...oh the shame the shame. heh so who here likes watching cookie balls melt into cookie shapes when they bake? who else here dispises w/ a passion kelis' milkshake song? it's prolly just me but i cease to see the purpose of the MV let alone the song.... it could also happen to do w/ that video i seen on ebaumsworld w/ that lady dancing and...*shudder* my eyes are bleeding.
Oookey, so yesterday i got...pissed off..again....i think i know why i wanted a blog so much.... so i can rant freely and push the buttons really hard to vent my rage... haha.. i swear this was an actual reason though. okay so monday at 4ish i was at my studio waiting for a friend and eating lunch, and i got paint on my hands so i went 2 the bathroom were i bumped into the stuck up 400lv. art girl....and i feel bad for calling her stuck up cuz i dont actual know her well enough to be the judge of that. but at the same time i call her that because i'm in a 300lv class and *aaall* the other 400's are really nice and supportive, and when i smile at them they smile/wave/acknowledge my existence. this lady though glares at me and then looks away.... okay soo i was in the bathroom washing my hands, and this isn't like a huge bathroom, its got 2 stalls and 2 sinks and you have 2 turn the lights off when your done. so i'm inside i see her and of pure nice-ness i smiled, and i got the usual glare. so i shrugged that off, meh maybe she doenst like happiness. so i went 2 get soap which was next to her. i walked up 2 her and she like....recoiled in fear....COMEON, im not THAT fat, nor do i have some type of contagious disease.... vreh...but i didn't take that roughly cuz maybe some ppl are like that. however, i did take the next part seriously. so here corinna is still washing her hands, lady finishes, and gets paper towel and starts to leave and TURNS OFF THE LIGHTS. I stood there for a good 5 seconds in the dark letting that sink in thinking maybe shed turn the lights back on......noooope. mygod i cannot believe that i did not run out and punch her in the gunt. prolly most likely due to the fact that i was in shock/pure rage, and that i had 2 grope around the bathroom in the dark. okay like i can understand turning off the lights in pure habbit then turning them back on, but HOW in the world can you not realize AFTER that someone is still in the bathroom with the water still running and leave them off. garg it gets me angry still now. if i was in a stall i woulda ran out n smeared shit on that bitches face....grrrrrrr...
oookaay, eat a cookie i'll be fine. so aside from that i guess my week was okay. i got some good sleep cuz i had a roomate for the weekend...haha yes ladies and gentlemen i am a pussy. i hate the dark. and winter. my aunt came out and took us for chinese food which is always better than my attempt at cooking. the only good thing i can make is desserts...mmmm.... my hot water is not working again so i gotta get up early n take a shower in the morning. i hate cold water showers. me and my cousin crank that hot water up so much i'm surprised we dont get 1st degree burns....but its so comfy....aaaaaah.... ookeeey so i'm done now its like 2 30AM...i think i'll finish up that shirt or something then try n fall asleep. bye bye : )

Sunday, January 16, 2005

The Usual Saturday

Hohum, so today was a normal did nothing day today. I was supposed to go to the studio to paint today w/ a friend but we both ended up staying at home. haha how typical. Getting a little nervous for the SUM 41 concert thats coming to E-town next week. o^_^o yay yay!!!! haha. I really should be doing that astro hw too...or cleaning up the house.... or something productive. But i think i might go out and cut up my old clothes n try and sew something nice. I'm also debating whether or not i should go and bid on that big lot of Kryolan make up on ebay. kryolan has pretty colors, if i was rich i would buy all the colors and dress up everyday....*sigh*. i guess maybe i should write up a resume too, i terribly want to go to the sushi restaurant down the street and see if they need staff cuz....i need a job. me and my friend and cousin were joking around about typical azn employers. and how unproffessional some of them are: *hi, i would like a job* "DO YOU HAVE SOCIAL INSURANCE?" ** "YOUR HIRED, PUT ON THIS APRON". haha. the sad thing is my mom did that once.... i want sushi now.
oy oy. so earlier today i was messing around w/ this site/blog/thing trying to figure out how to put pictures and links and music on it.... haha yeah it didn't work.... i gueeess i could ask my brother cuz hes this big cpu guy...but that would require moving from my chair.... hahah i'm not a hermit i swear.
maaaan i must get pissed off easily or something. but today my hairystalker-exboyfriends best friend IM'ed me and was like HI, so i said *whats up* n he said *nothing* gimme something to work with dood. so theeen, being the nice person i try to be i tried 2 make conversation and told him i watched white noise and that i haven't seen micheal keaton since batman. and he goes *...are you SERIOUS?!?!!* who calm down there buddy, dont degrade me cuz i have a life and dont watch movies 24/7.... i mean comeon cut me some slack here, half the people i know dont even know who micheal keaton is. ARG.
siiiigh, i wish i was learned and knew html stuff.... i was so amazed when i figured out how 2 change the colors of the font. I relly want to put some pictures and stuff up here and maybe some nice music. and make a nice pretty page....then i will be happy. tra lala. buut thats all for now, i'm gonna go out and cut stuff up...yaaahoooooo!

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Welcome to my Tea Party Posted by Hello

oh wow

Oh the miracles of what one decides to do after waking up at 4AM after watching a horror movie. after many months of procrastinating i finally went and got one of these blog i can be like the normal peoples and stop writing myself emails....heehee. This ones gonna be short for today methinks. I went and watched *White Noise* w/ some friends today. and then I came home and got into an arguement with my cousin that resulted in my........ going to bed early. This is not something i normally do....Hell its just not something i do. Why? Because i end up lying eyes wide open at 4AM deciding to never what a horror movie again.....but they're so gooood... le sigh. i think that'll be good for now. i'm gonna go and mess around w/ other stuff.