Thursday, October 28, 2010

Russian Tea Room/ HBD

25 years old doesn't feel very different from 24 years old doesn't feel very different from 23 years old.....

But anyways so yah its my bday today!....well it was its 1 52AM now so I suppose it was my birthday. Switched shifts so I had today off and get to work Halloween. I went to get my palm read today. $60 bucks which nwo that I think about it was kinda pricy, but whatever, once a year. Anyways, the people at RTR were scarily accurate. I got a tarot reading and palm reading. The first 3 cards the lady drew she said to me *oh my god, you are working too much you have a lot of stress and burdens on your shoulder....a lot from work yes problems at work. Where do you work at?* Then I said I work at KY, KW and sew pt as well...... (the lady who read lings palms told her 'your good with your hands and are very caring, are you a nurse?') Um....fuck I already forgetting what she told me. She said my mom might have some minor health issues, especially in her neather regions. My moms side of the family, possibly my Gramma will also have some minor health issues. One of my brothers, the more *charming* one will be having a relationship soon. One of my friends will be having boy problems and end it with a bf shes been on and offing it again (chanda holy crap that was fast) Um....she said I was going to go on a trip in the near future (i laughed because I'm going to vancouver end of November) She said I'll do a lot of travelling and she sees a major move in the next few years. Like a permanent move. Um....the 3 questions I asked were #1 about the guy I like right now. I asked if it was worthwile to pursue or is it just a random guy in my life I shoudn't worry about. She said if it develops it will be nice relationship. He is very mature and has good relationship with his family but a little tiny drift between the father. Then I asked about my work, if I was on the right path or not. And she said *it will work out, but thats all, it will just *just* work out. You won't make it big but you'll just get by*. She also said I would probably be going back to school maybe come September. (Totally weird because I've been thinking about taking up Massage Therapy a lot recently.) Um so yah, she said if I move it will be better for my career. Something to do about going South for lots of inspiration. Um...and then for the 3rd question I coudln't think of anything so I just asked about my health. She said I'm in very good health, but I'll probably be getting some back problems down the line (if by down the line she means now then yes she is also correct there!) Relationship-wise she said I should expect to meet someone withing the next 6months... something about February I think. He will be very mature with brown or dark blonde hair and brown eyes.... Something about meeting him via friends. But I shoudln't go around asking it'll just be a random encouter and it goes from there. At least she said he was caucasian right!
And for my palm reading, she told me that I have lots of stress..... lots of worries.... sees me going back to school again. oh OH and children wise she saw least 2 for sure and the 2nd one will be an *oopsie* Hahahaha. I didn't ask when I would die (The lady told ling she'd die when she was 85). Then she asked me if I had any questions to ask. What I would be going back to school for. And she said (obviously) to better my education.... (really vague I know) then I asked when am I going to get married. She said *I see the number 25* o_O hahaha but she said *You'll probably meet someone in your 25th year and this person I see you having a strong union/bond with* hahah Yay! And then I asked about my ex. I told her a one sentence summary, and asked if we should still try to be friends or if I'm just asking for problems down the road. She told me she doesn't like to asnwer these questions because its more my choice....crap I cant remember what she told me. But she said, the guy that you are going to meet the relationship will be much more calm and reliable, because you have trust issues I know, but it will feel much more comfortable. Your last relationship was very up and down and not reliable, this one will be better..... double yay! thats all I can remember for now I'm so tired. Forgot I have to open at KW tomorrow. double F.....

But on a side note I am so excited for Friday. hohohohohohohoh.......

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