Thursday, October 07, 2010

poor you ... you will meet your "shinning aromr " soon

aka advice from my best friend.

um...... so......i'm not sure why i'm on here again..... originally I was going to write a happy happy post, but I got kinda bummed out..... so now I dont know what I want to write.... I suppose the joke I had wasn't that funny so lets just move onto the real reason why I have this blog. I'MA SO SAD...... D: D: Why are my emotions like a fucking roller coaster? holy shit. whatever did I do in my previous lifetime to get what I've gotten this time around? I'm so so SO confused 70% of the time. I know I know I know, I always fall way to fast for crushes that I have, so when I finally find something bad about them it crushes my heart. I mean, I know its gotten bad that whenever someone tells me something negative I jump to defend him. I just (not going to say really like) have a really big crush on this new guy right now. Like what kind of advice do I take. everyone at KW keeps telling me *move on/find another guy/hes CLEARLY not into you* but how can you tell??! I admit that I did feel kinda sad (before they gave me this advice) that he never msgs me first, and I'm always the one starting conversations. but like.... I know that he's not looking for anything serious so am I just being dumb?? I just really like the talks taht we have. *sigh* Well i guess on the *plus* side, he swings by to say Hi whenever hes at KW....does that mean anytyhing? Sometimes I wonder why I bother to ask these questions when its obvious I wont get an answer. But so anyways. yeah I still tell everybody I have a super crush on him and everybody thinks I'm crushing too hard, but what can I say, i can't help it. So....anyways about the *bad news* I heard from him. I totally wasn't expecting it and when he said it I was like *........oh.......* then I got a little sad. I know I've got it bad when I made up a reason for that habit too...... sigh...... SIIIIIIIIIGH.

Okay, I guess I really will tell you that joke, just to lighten up the mood. I was watching wheel of fortune earlier. The hint was "popular saying" and the board read: S_ _ A_ A _ _X.
I loudly proclaimed SAD AS A BOX!!! .....i thought it was funny.....

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