Saturday, October 02, 2010

why is trying to woo someone soooooo complicated.

*sob sob* Where is this dating rule book that everyone seems to have read cept me? I'm soooo confused. Is it wrong for a girl to ask a guy for coffee? What if said guy doesn't *appear* to be interested? I mean, everybody keeps telling me that I shoudn't always be the one initiating conversations. "If they guy doesn't message you at all, then he's not interested". But, at the same time, the conversations we do have don't feel like *nothing*.....Aaaaaah dunno. Its probably just cuz I have a super crush on him right now, but I keep on thinking theres nothing wrong and I should just go for it and see what happens. Am I setting myself up for a broken heart again? gaaaaah. Why do I always always fall for the same guys :( It would make me feel so much better if he sent me a message at least once........

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