Saturday, November 13, 2010

I feel very sad today

...yes I do. I woke up super early to get the keys for the new studio. Shoulda been so pumped. I sewed for an hour after then came home and slept for a couple. Just woke up and I totally recognize this feeling. The one I hate to have. I mind is really clear right now, but my heart feels really sad. I dunno. I dunno. I'm really tired, and I really really REALLY dont want to go to work today. I dont feel like being very social, and I kinda just wanna stay at the studio and sew. Ugh. I suppose I knew this one was coming. Having to much of an up period means it was bound to come down. So lonely sometimes. I guess .... yeah I'm pretty lonely. Meeting too many new people has its ups and downs. The downs being when your feelings aren't returned. I just want someone to hold my hand and give me a hug every once in a while is that too much to ask?

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