Monday, February 27, 2006

Greetings everyone!

Or as they say in New York....*Greetings everyone!* Huuuurr. So i believe that i can safetly say that New York was AWESOME! Hoh seriously, i'm so happy that we got *so* much stuff done! i'm totally broke now, but HEY thats okay. Hah, i dont even know where to start....I think i will break my trip up into 3 stories. Yes, yes i will. So anyways.
*Friday February 17th was our travelling day. We left Edmonton at ~7am and got 2 Chicago in around 2-3 hours. Our flight 2 NY kept on getting delayed, and we finally made it to the big apple at 8PM (local time). We checked into our lister hall sized rooms and then went 2 grab a bite to eat and walked around a bit w/ the class. Um i think we walked around Times Square a bit and then we went 2 Grand Central Station, which for first time new yorkers we ooh-ed and aw-ed at for quite some time. And that was pretty much it for that day. I thought it was so great because we were out walking till 1AM (what kind of school trip would let you do that??)
*Saturday February 18th. We did so much walking this day i'm surprised i didn't die. We walked 5th (or 6th or 7th) ave and went through Central Park. But we mostly spent the day at the Metropolitan Museum which i think is my favorite museum that we visited. (oh no sorry i lied, the Met is my 2nd fave) This place is HUGE though and we spent 5 hours nonstop walking around looking at pieces. So pretty.... I was so moved because i seen the original Monet waterlilies piece that i *reproduced* in painting 310. Hohoh but even though we were so mofo tired, it was complete insanity if we went back to the hotel at 8PM. So we went 2 Times Square-ish i believe and wandered around. (Although some ppl disagree i'll say thank the lord for Henry and his amazing map reading skillz) We popped into the HUGE toys R us store and....oh goodness i just remembered that i didn't get 2 go 2 the huge build-a-bear store.....aaaaaaaaaw.... For dinner that night we went 2 eat at Planet Hollywood. pretty good for our first dinner in NY. And that was Saturday.
*Sunday February 19th. We went 2 the Guggenheim Museum, and with the exception of the building itself i found wasn't that great. But still okay. Then we went off schedule and went 2 the Neue Gallery (which i say is my fave because of the installation that they were showing) They basically showcased a whole lot of Egon Schiele's works and i thought those were especially amazing. (once again i was touched when i saw the originals of the ones that i had reproduced) I was a little bit sad that we weren't allowed to take pictures (even though pictures do his stuff injustice) i would have liked to have anyways. Then i think we went 2 the Frick Museum, but seeing as i dont remember much i must not have found it quite as interesting. I'm trying 2 remember were we went 2 eat....I'm thinking that we went 2 a little Cafe for dinner but i'm not sure. Well after dinner we must have walked around Times Square again because i recall we were there several times during the first few days of our trip. I called my mom to wish her a happy birthday at 2AM because NY is ahead by 2 hours (and many ppl kept on forgetting that)
I think i should stop recapping for now, or this entry will turn into an essay. Just some small points. I hung out in the chinese group w/ Long-Sum (who is completely different than what i expected), Cathy, Henry and Roni. LongSum made a good point about having a diverse group of ppl. Henry was our GPS, Cathy was the one who found the shopping malls, Roni took care of the major attractions and...well me and long sum just enjoyed it all. Hahah. Although i feel a little bad for Henry and Roni because it was exactly the opposite of what Henry wanted, and Roni felt frustruated all the time. But thats another story....

Friday, February 17, 2006

crunch time everybody....

Hey all. So its 2 30AM right now, (an hour before i leave 2 the airport). Starting 2 get a little nervous, w/ that feeling that i've forgotten 2 pack soemthing. Ow-eee-ch. i keep on hurting my self this week. My right leg alone has like 3 bruises on it....a sign?....i dont want 2 tell anyone but i kinda have a weird feeling about going to NY. I keep having this feeling that something might happen. And today could be the last time i see my famly and friends for a while....I kept on thinking that i was going to get into an accident before i left or something that would prevent me from going....huuuur weird. I'm sure its nothing. Ho hum shake it off shake it off. Um.... i brought lots of stuff to keep me occupied so i hope i dont et bored. Alhtough just now me and I were talking about how um... annoying my roomate for the next 10 days can be. (sigh, i just remembered when i spent 4 days straight w/ her in fort mac and i almost gouged my own eyes out) hahah how horrible am i. But i just dont like how she views dating and guys. Like she doen'st take it seriously at all, but yet when a guy breaks up w/ her she gets super upset. hurrrr, extremely unfair. But anyways, we get along pretty well so i guess i'll be fine. Hahaha, all my workmates said they will miss me, i'm so pleased. And i'm pretty sure when they said it they meant it. Hohohoh i feel so loved.... except by my daddy. I called back home 2 say bye 2 my mom and dad tonight, but my brother hung up before i could talk 2 my dad. So then i called back right away and my dad had just stepped into the john. And my mom was like *HEY HEY your daugter wants 2 say *bye* to you!!!* and i heard a muffled 'okay bye bye' through the door... haha im so loved aaaah. well i can't think of anything else to say i 'll prolly stop and empty out my inbox and do random stuff. Huuuuur bye bye everybody!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

New York has finally arrived

Oh goodness i was very afraid i'd never made it to today. Did i mention last post that this week was HELL. pure sweet evil hell. Ugh, I finally got around to starting 2 pack yesterday. Its always amazing that no matter how early i get and how little sleep i have that day, when 11 PM rolls around i always end up being wide awake. So i packed basic stuff yesterday. I'm worried i'm ging to get 2 NY and the first thing i will do is unpack and go *OH SHIT I FORGOT ____* I usually have my luggage half packed like months before a trip. Ugh, welp currently i am emptying out the memory card on my digicam. Hohoh, Then if i have time i will pack some more, then i gotta go 2 WEM 2 do some desperate last minute shopping before i go to work. Oh yes, did i mention that v-day was also pure hell? hoy. As was my design 'presentation' yesterday. I must have some type of disease when it comes 2 oral presentations in front of classrooms. I have absolutely no problem talking 2 small groups, but like, larger than 8 or something and i start 2 get really nervous and i often blank out. Maaaaaan life is horrible. Anyhoo, i'll prolly write one more post tonight after ive finished packing and am just lounging around. alrighty folks!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


arg i hates valentines day. Not just because i am lonely *sob sob* but because its always around midterm week, and that week is always hectic, and working at a restaurant sucks because on valentines day no matter what restaurant you work at its always busy and its always full of couples coupling. HARG i've been SO busy this week. On friday i had a banquet to go to and i was hoping to get soem school related work done then, but no avail. On saturday i wanted 2 go 2 WEM and get all my last minutes shopping done for my trip to NY but i didn't go. So i just went 2 walmart and bought stuff there, then i went home and studied like crazy for artH 209 till 5AM(which mind you i hadn't even taken the plastic wrap off the text yet...heheh) and then Sunday i had to work all day. Dwear Mne i haven't workd all day in a while. I managed to finish my *non* mandatory-mandatory speech for china 102 at work and boy was it crap. (i should tried harder, apparently the prize is a trip to bc! hahah oops. Any hoo i seen my multilingual sushi chef in casual clothes. Unfortutanely the one thing i didn't factor in apparetnly happened. He...has a girlfriend. hahahah oops again. But anyways i was surprisingly not as dashed as i thought i'd be. Ho hum. So any hoo i got home and went 2 bed at woke back up at 1 to study for art H. Monday i went 2 mandarin class and came home and did all 3 sketch models for class during my 5 hour lunch break, hahah. And then i came home and slept and woke back up at 1 to study. (sounds familiar eh) Hahah this morning i was so scared i was going to sleep in that i kept on waking up every hour and checking my clock. Hahah, well i *think* i did okay on my exam. I finished *exactly* when she said time was up (literally, i dotted my last period when the buzzer rang) And then, i came home and worked on my mood board, and took like a 20 mintue nap, before going to hell. hahah seriously i'm not exagerating, it was so crazy at work today, i'm so glad the 2nd hostess came into help otherwise i dont know waht i would have done. So tired. but on the plus side someone called in a huge order and didn't come to pick it up so....i got free food! hahaha *shhh* Eventually i got home and hoovered supper down before finishing my mandarin homework (badly mind you) and here i am (or was rather) doing some more sketches for design.... sob sob, i still haven't started packing yet.... oh i can see the nightmaires now. Mommy when will friday come?

Friday, February 10, 2006

dwear mne

These next 7 days are going to be hectic. So much to do, so little time. oh boy oh boy. I really should be asleep but i've been itching to write in my bloggy-blog. (how am i going to survive 10 days away from you sweetie?) Oh snap. HOH i had a dream today. It was extremely out of place considering that that night i had just discussed w/ my brothers *how do you get yourself to dream* Aaaaand after that conversation i went 2 sleep and dreamt about my instructor. *heheh* how much of a creep am i? hahah i dreamt i bumped into him in the elevator/escalator/iforgot and my brothers invited him up juice. OY what the hell kind of crack am i smoking. hahah And then i woke up. Ummmm. what else has happened. Oh banquets coming up 2morrow, looking forward 2 that. But not looking forward to next week. dwear mne so much stuff to do. Um... somthing else. OH i finally went and exchanged my ipod. Futurshop has been out of 1G ipod shuffles for like 2 months now so i decided 2 just upgrade. Hohoh i was so happy when i finally got my ipod up and working. I went on ebay to look for accessories (funny because we just had a talk about stuff like this in des class) and theres so much stuff i want 2 get for...for ipod jr. har har. Um..OH riiiight. on tuesday, i seen mister dreamy in casual clothes! OHOHOH. hahah i feel really bad because when he came into the dining room the first thing i did was....i checked out his shoes. Yup, you know i've got a shoe fetish when the first thing i do is check out ppls shoes. Hahaha, actually i shouldn't be surprised. I know what kind of shoes everybody in all of my classes wear. hohoh i'm sure it just means i'm observant. (which truly i am...or just nosy) If anyone every quizzed me on random facts about ppl in class its actually quite creepy on how much i know. hahaha its just because ppl talk loud, come-on. Aaaah well i think thats all the update that i can think of. OH except today, i was looking at that footprint mark on the bottom of my wall that i made a year ago when my painting instructor was trying 2 teach us yoga and i tried 2 stand on my head that day. I started 2 wonder if i could stand on my head a year later so i tried. aaaand i did! yay. hahah i got up and i was like *HEY HEY GUYS LOOK I'M STANDING ON MY HEAD!!! ...WOW I'M DIZZY I GOTTA GET DOWN FROM HERE* hahah and then right after i celebrated by eating leftover dinner. waboosh

Sunday, February 05, 2006

boo hoo

sob sob, this 'always' happens. Soooo, i've been daydreaming a lot about a certain someone recently. But today when i went 2 work i felt extremely awkward around him...hahaha.... which resulted in me not saying a single word to him today. *sob sob* The exact opposite of what i daydream about. Hahah i was being one of those creepy girls that stares at guys when they're not looking. I almost walked into our samurai head today because of that. haha. Aaaah he certainly is dreamy (i hope i'm not older than him....)But still....i wonder what he looks like outside of work. I've never seen him out of work clothes before. And from experiecne all my sushi chefs look better in street clothes (With the exception of bento C man. Hes good looking in his work clothes cuz they're formal.) Hoho maybe on SUNDAY i'll see him out of his work clothes since i work all day that day. Ohohoh.... Welp, yesterday i was trying 2 draw some sketches for my upcoming design project. (Children's Stool) and i was having severe designers block. And i somehow managed to turn on my cpu and download a template to make a real life paper mario. I was going to post a picture of the mario that i proudly made in 5 hours but its been a year since i posted a picture and i've forgetten how. (i also believe i no longer have 2 program for it....) HOY i just realized i have really musckly legs when i flex em'...yeesh. Oh wow it seems like my NY trip is getting closer and closer. I gotta start packing and getting all my stuff ready. Lots to do Lots to do! *tee hee* mario your so cute....

Saturday, February 04, 2006

yo dawg

I'm not sure if i'm actually starting 2 lose weight or if its just my eyes playing tricks on me. *heh heh* Well, i really really wanted 2 write in here yesterday but my i-net was down for like 2 hours, and i just couldn't pry my eyes open any longer to wait. I was so happy haha i made $25 in tips yesterday in credit cards and debit sales. hohoho. And i've recently been itching 2 go 2 the marble slab 2 eat ouce cream. Its opened for like 3 months and i still haven't stopped by even though its one of my favorite things to eat. Um...i think i've been having some weird dreams lately, many of which i do not remember. And i've also been having some bad luck in manga. I recently came into ownership of 4 new manga's. (Confidential Confessions, Death Note, Nana, and Princess Ai) I bought the 2nd and 3rd books and they were kinda boring. Nana was mainly because it was by the author of parakiss. I think it'll get more interesting later on but i dont really wanna risk it. Death Note is okay, althought i dont really like the 'main characters' attitude on life. The otehr 2 books i got from cathy because she was cleaning out her bookshelf. CC is okay 'only' because it talks about controversial stuff. I told iris that i think she'd hate this series. haha. I dont even really wanna mention about princess ai. It sounds okay on the back, and if i were like 5 years younger i think i'd like it. It also might have 2 do w/ the idea that the story's written by courteney love.... But its such a typical teenage girl story. Girl wakes up w/ amnesia. Girl bumps into good looking guy who she feels strongly connected to. Girl trying 2 discover her past. Girl keeps bumping into guy, feels destined to be together....Seriously thats exactly hwo the story is unfolding, its like a soap opera. Harg. Welp, i got my ticket to NY today. hohoho starting 2 get excited! I feel kinda bad because i told instructor jeff that i would miss a class but apparetnly i lied because we're missing less school than i htought. (only friday classes wich coincedentially is only mandarin) Iris sent me a japanese commercial for Link to the Past and i laughed at how horrible it was. Basically it was a live action commercial w/ ppl dressed up as Link and Zelda and other random charactes dancing to a similar version of michael jackson's thriller. Horrible yet funny. *Sigh* my grandparents and dad are coming out next week. Hotel La Chow will now be in service. I hate sleeping in felix's room cuz well...his 'alarm clock' rings for like an hour, until he wakes up and turns on all the lights and keeps then on until he pretty much leaves....sob sob....BUT on the plus side i keep on thinking about this guy.... tee hee. I realized today how extremely attractive it is when guys can speak more than one language. Needless to say i went into drool mode when i heard the latest sushi chef not only speak english and cantonese but...taisan as well! Hoho (i think i remember writing this before) But then i was like, aaah english and cantonese is pretty typcial, and taisan is more of a dialect it should'nt come as that much of a surprise. But THEN! Yesterday, i found out he can also speak....'mandarin' OHoho, now mandarin i think is pretty hot hahah sexy. hahah. boy i AM a creep.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

great googally boogally

whats with me writing entries on a regular basis? there must be soemthing i want 2 get out. Ho hum....well me H&W did our presentation today on the Flywheel. I think it went pretty good. Cept that i think the group was starting to get on each other's nerves. oy oy. I dont think i got on anyones nerves cuz i just did the stuff that ppl asked me too.... Although, personally i think that the young fellow in our group doesn't realize that us 2 girls dont have as much ....*experience* i will call it, as he does. He kept on asking me to do this and do that, and which honestly i had asolutely no idea how to do it. And when i asked him he pretty much told me 2 ask someone else.... but i figure it went okay. I learned how to use more machines yesterday in one day that i have in the past 4 months....haha, i'm horrible. Oh right, i think the band saw has a grudge against me. First time i asked kenny to teach me how to use it and it broke when i pushed the button. Today i went to cut some innocent pieces of sintra and the band snapped off and broke in half....seriously. It scared the living begeezus outta me. I swear it could have cut my thumb off and i prolly woudn't have noticed cuz i was to busy trying 2 get my heart started again. The technician man gave me a dirty look when i told him....*sob sob* My mandarin instructor's pretty horrible too. Dwear mne, i dont know why but i no longer look forward to attending class, and those 50 mintues seem to draaaaaag by. I think its because she seems 2 inflict fear upon everyone. She makes everyone read a sentence (which i dont mind) but then she makes them correct certain words like...5 times. And personally at the end of the 5th time i still hear no difference, and im sure the rest of the class doesn't either. Even the smart kid in the class is starting to not like her methinks. I feel so bad for the english guy in our class. He keeps telling our mandarin instructor that shes speaking too fast and that he can't understand, and yet she keeps speaking equally as fast. AND she keeps making him repeat everyword in teh sentence because he can't pronounce it 'perfectly'. I think that is WAY to strict. I mean, if i got up in front of the class and asked her to repeat a sentence i said in english i'm positive she wouldn't be able to do it perfectly either because English is not her first language. Well she should realize that mandarin is obviously not our first language and therefore cannot pronounce everyword w/ the same roll of the tongue and tinge of the lip as she does....arg, man this is making me angry. I dont even wanan think about all the students in my class right now that are so discouraged from taking higher levels because of this.....*sob sob*