Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Thanks Songza.

For some stupid reason Songza thought I would enjoy listening to a Break-Up Mix. 
Thanks. Thanks A lot. 
Heartbreak City being replayed. Anyways. Just a plethora of emotions right now and some forgotten memories of Dave came back. How I took the time to set up a romantic dinner on the balcony and he ate all his food with minimal conversation and then cleared my plate before I was even done. I should have gotten madder than I actually did.

It takes a long long time for me to Love. 
But when I finally do. I Love Hard.

I always come up with some epic one-liners don't I? Leona Lewis' Bleeding Love came on just now and I totally flash backed to that SYTYCD song that made me cry after Dave and I broke up. It was exactly how I felt. 
I am never listenig to this mix again. 
You suck Songza :(

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