Monday, March 03, 2014

Hyperbole and a Half

My colleague told me about This Blog the other day and I finally had time today to check it out.
I had only read the most recent entry and thought it was entertaining. Definitely worth a read if I had time to kill. On Friday, though, I read This Entry that the author had wrote about depression and I just couldn't believe how much I identified with it. Its not really really funny but I swear this is almost exactly what I feel like happened for the last year and a half. (Minus the piece of Corn) Seriously, it was weird reading someone else's blog because for a few moments I could have almost sworn I had written it. Just the way how everything panned out, the emotions she was going through, the feelings and everything she felt was exactly how I felt. So. Bizarre. Up until then I always thought Depression was different for everyone. And I suppose not everyone's happens this way, but it was almost to a T. The corn part I laughed at really hard though, because if anyone reads my previous entries, I think my turning point was PBC's slap in the face right after we made out. I took one last horrible soul wrenching cry.... and the next day I was okay. Like I had actually cried the last of my heartbreak out. It felt like such a relief. And a few days later it was even funny.
I'll have to admit though. My story wasn't told as good. Ha....
I think I'm going to send this to Gen too.

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